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We, The Souls of All Beings Connected to the Blue Planet Earth
We, The Souls of All Beings Connected to the Blue Planet Earth
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One Nation - One Planet - One Race
One Nation - One Planet - One Race
== Constitution ==
The Earth Council has been created to guarantee, that by giving equal rights to all beings, there shall never be another conflict or war on this planet and beyond, by any and amongst all created beings and citizens. The end of war and establishment of peace will be achieved through the understanding of the potential of all created beings. The path forward for peace, must be to bring the understanding that solutions are achieved through dialogue and elevation of the soul of the opponent rather than through degradation or demeaning another’s soul or physical existence.
Peace has to be the goal of every move of the existence of every being on this planet. The Council will be the flag bearer of this motion to create an environment where peace can be achieved on Earth. Peace, must be the cornerstone of existence, amongst those who are from this planet and/or choose to live on this planet, as well as for those who are from Earth and choose to live in space. Earth has to become the cradle of peace, for the evolution of all races.
We, the Earth Council, acknowledge that Earth is a part of the solar system, galaxy, universe and all the Unicos. As such, the Planet Earth needs to become a part of the cycle of creation by supporting the planet and all the beings that live on her to elevate themselves past the current cycle of evolution to a more fulfilling and peaceful existence. We acknowledge Mother Earth as itself a living entity that has her own soul.
From every atom, to plants, animals, humans, insects, microbes and more, and all those yet to be discovered are souls which share the essence of the Creator as well as the fields of Planet Earth. Together we combine to make up the collective soul of the Planet.
We acknowledge all other beings on this planet need to be supported, nurtured and allowed to thrive in peace, including animals, plants, ecosystems and other unseen beings, as well as Mother Earth herself. All will be supported to grow and thrive, as this will, in turn enhance the lives, not only on this planet, but all of the totality, as we acknowledge we are a part of the whole.
Mutual cooperation, collaboration, sharing, and contribution to the wellbeing of all should be the core undertaking of the Earth Council.
Our aim is to support the planet as a whole and every being that lives here.
We will serve to create an environment of nurturing and harmony in which all beings may grow and thrive in their own unique way.
Six Members of The Earth Council
Each continent of Earth is represented by one member, those being Africa, Asia,
Australia, Europe, North America and South America. Each member represents the
needs and wishes of the peoples who live on their Continent, as well as the totality of
beings that reside there.
Selection processes - Members must have lived on at least two continents and speak at
least two languages. This allows for a wider perspectives of understanding when
dealing with taking the needs of all humanity into account.
Clarity of souls - The six members of the Earth Council are here to serve from the
understanding of their souls, through the manifestation of physicality.
Earth Council Mandate
★★★ To Support and Serve - Provide and Protect ★★★
Bring To Our Souls the Understanding that the power is within us to govern oneself,
in interaction with other souls and create a peaceful co-existence.
Our Intention is to bring out the best of the best in every living soul on this blue planet
we call Earth.
Give our Soul’s Manifestation in physicality the freedom to live in peace, love and
trust on this planet and in space.
Our Wishes are for or all living beings in Creation to dwell in peace, harmony and
tranquility. It is time to access and share resources in equality, in a fair and just manner
amongst all beings.
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The Earth Council has been created to guarantee, that by giving equal rights to all
beings, there shall never be another conflict or war on this planet and beyond, by any
and amongst all created beings and citizens. The end of war and establishment of
peace will be achieved through the understanding of the potential of all created beings.
The path forward for peace, must be to bring the understanding that solutions are
achieved through dialogue and elevation of the soul of the opponent rather than through
degradation or demeaning another’s soul or physical existence.
Peace has to be the goal of every move of the existence of every being on this planet.
The Council will be the flag bearer of this motion to create an environment where peace
can be achieved on Earth. Peace, must be the cornerstone of existence, amongst those
who are from this planet and/or choose to live on this planet, as well as for those who
are from Earth and choose to live in space. Earth has to become the cradle of peace,
for the evolution of all races.
We, the Earth Council, acknowledge that Earth is a part of the solar system, galaxy,
universe and all the Unicos. As such, the Planet Earth needs to become a part of the
cycle of creation by supporting the planet and all the beings that live on her to elevate
themselves past the current cycle of evolution to a more fulfilling and peaceful
existence. We acknowledge Mother Earth as itself a living entity that has her own soul.
From every atom, to plants, animals, humans, insects, microbes and more, and all
those yet to be discovered are souls which share the essence of the Creator as well as
the fields of Planet Earth. Together we combine to make up the collective soul of the
We acknowledge all other beings on this planet need to be supported, nurtured and
allowed to thrive in peace, including animals, plants, ecosystems and other unseen
beings, as well as Mother Earth herself. All will be supported to grow and thrive, as this
will, in turn enhance the lives, not only on this planet, but all of the totality, as we
acknowledge we are a part of the whole.
Mutual cooperation, collaboration, sharing, and contribution to the wellbeing of all
should be the core undertaking of the Earth Council.
Our aim is to support the planet as a whole and every being that lives here.
We will serve to create an environment of nurturing and harmony in which all beings
may grow and thrive in their own unique way.

Revision as of 22:17, 2 February 2019

We, The Souls of All Beings Connected to the Blue Planet Earth

Hereby Create:

The Constitution of the Blue Planet Earth

One Nation - One Planet - One Race


The Earth Council has been created to guarantee, that by giving equal rights to all beings, there shall never be another conflict or war on this planet and beyond, by any and amongst all created beings and citizens. The end of war and establishment of peace will be achieved through the understanding of the potential of all created beings. The path forward for peace, must be to bring the understanding that solutions are achieved through dialogue and elevation of the soul of the opponent rather than through degradation or demeaning another’s soul or physical existence.

Peace has to be the goal of every move of the existence of every being on this planet. The Council will be the flag bearer of this motion to create an environment where peace can be achieved on Earth. Peace, must be the cornerstone of existence, amongst those who are from this planet and/or choose to live on this planet, as well as for those who are from Earth and choose to live in space. Earth has to become the cradle of peace, for the evolution of all races.

We, the Earth Council, acknowledge that Earth is a part of the solar system, galaxy, universe and all the Unicos. As such, the Planet Earth needs to become a part of the cycle of creation by supporting the planet and all the beings that live on her to elevate themselves past the current cycle of evolution to a more fulfilling and peaceful existence. We acknowledge Mother Earth as itself a living entity that has her own soul.

From every atom, to plants, animals, humans, insects, microbes and more, and all those yet to be discovered are souls which share the essence of the Creator as well as the fields of Planet Earth. Together we combine to make up the collective soul of the Planet.

We acknowledge all other beings on this planet need to be supported, nurtured and allowed to thrive in peace, including animals, plants, ecosystems and other unseen beings, as well as Mother Earth herself. All will be supported to grow and thrive, as this will, in turn enhance the lives, not only on this planet, but all of the totality, as we acknowledge we are a part of the whole.

Mutual cooperation, collaboration, sharing, and contribution to the wellbeing of all should be the core undertaking of the Earth Council.

Our aim is to support the planet as a whole and every being that lives here.

We will serve to create an environment of nurturing and harmony in which all beings may grow and thrive in their own unique way.

Six Members of The Earth Council

Each continent of Earth is represented by one member, those being Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. Each member represents the needs and wishes of the peoples who live on their Continent, as well as the totality of beings that reside there.

Selection processes - Members must have lived on at least two continents and speak at least two languages. This allows for a wider perspectives of understanding when dealing with taking the needs of all humanity into account.

Clarity of souls - The six members of the Earth Council are here to serve from the understanding of their souls, through the manifestation of physicality.

Earth Council Mandate

★★★ To Support and Serve - Provide and Protect ★★★

Bring To Our Souls the Understanding that the power is within us to govern oneself, in interaction with other souls and create a peaceful co-existence. Our Intention is to bring out the best of the best in every living soul on this blue planet we call Earth. Give our Soul’s Manifestation in physicality the freedom to live in peace, love and trust on this planet and in space. Our Wishes are for or all living beings in Creation to dwell in peace, harmony and tranquility. It is time to access and share resources in equality, in a fair and just manner amongst all beings.