Universe in a bottle – ‘cola bottle’ plasma reactor -2– Author’s remarks
This article is part of the KF Plasma Times March 2019
If you look what is hanging in the bottle, inside it looks like a parachute. We gave this, when a company in Belgium approached us and they wanted to test this, we gave them one parachute to test. They took the Nano-coating of the parachute, which we have tested to know what it is, and they found on this layer graphene, which at that moment, was a miracle to produce. Even now is not easy to produce. (…)
This parachute, from this bottle… and it is a huge breakthrough in the world of science, because we could, as now you see it, we can produce graphene, very easy. And if you understand it, a lot of people for years they called it the magic liquid, the Keshe liquid, the plasma liquid - every name but nobody ever called it caustic soda. And the beauty with it is, if you look at it, you are still following what is in that bottle. It is a beautiful message in that bottle.
At the bottom there are GaNSes, at the top, there are Nano-material. Each strand is different height and different position creating a wind, which leads to creation of hydrogen, and in so many ways, Deuterium and Tritium. And the whole structure of it has a beauty, that if you test this many times, do not look at the electrodes look at the red cap on the top. You will find out, when you take the cap off, there are hardly any threads left. Due to the pressure on the condition on this end, and there is a little button at the end of the bottle, you create atomic hydrogen. The carbon gets absorbed in the layers of the copper and releases atomic hydrogen, which is part of the space technology. This is how we fuel the space reactors. (…)
It is very interesting, how the height you put on it... These are copper nails from the roofing, we call it parachutes. The extension of this is, you have seen it in what we call the empty box of universe, and the sphere where you see the electrodes hanging. We could dictate the position of it, the flow of it, the field flow of it. There is a lot of... I have made many, many of these, just to study patterns of the field flow, extraction of materials.
Current flow in these electrodes is very interesting. If you put your electrodes, for example, here and here (Fig.1 – electrodes 1 and 5), and you monitor it, you see it goes to up and then it comes down. It goes positive to negative, and then you just change it to the other one, and then you bring it here. You see the flow pattern of the fields, how the pressures are created (Fig. 1 – (E)). When you test them in, if you dip in one, for example electrodes in the liquid (Fig. 1 – (C)), it becomes like a system which has got a matter state, then you see a different pattern. Usually one goes 1 - 1.2 volts and … milliamps.
It is very interesting that this cap (Fig. 1 – (A)) is the condition and there is a button (Fig. 1 – (B)) here at the bottom. At a given pressure, due to the condition of the cap, this opens up. Inside (Fig. 1 – (A)) - when you open it, there is no thread. This, this C-H combination here, due to the caustic and the copper, and now you understand the structure, releases the Carbon, and you have totally hydrogen, pure atomic hydrogen (Fig. 1 – (D)). Never been done. It is so beautifully, it has never been done in in the world of science, and with it, if you take these electrodes... We release this in 2005 and after it was claimed, and then there is a Nobel prize won because of this, by a University in England. (…)
You see this parachute is here (Fig. 1 – ends of electrodes 1-5), they are at different heights. This creates a vortex of winds of fields and with it, due to the shape of cola bottle, it pulls in the carbon, and it gets absorbed in the layers of the copper and it becomes graphene. That is where we see it, that is where we know, where the graphene sits. Graphene comes through and then with it, it releases atomic hydrogen.
This is how the process comes and this is how it, it stands. So, the carbon, as the pressure, magnetic field pressure here balances. Now when you make CO2 systems, if you remember, you already make it to create CO2, now you understand, you absorb the carbon from the atmosphere and it becomes CO2 at the bottom, you see some of it (Fig.1 — (F)).
But this carbon gets pulled out, goes between the Nano layers of the electrodes of the copper as it is creating Nano. When they tested it, they saw this is graphene.