The Eye – doorway to the soul

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This article is part of the KF Plasma Times February 2019

by Keshe Foundation. Based on 259th Knowledge Seekers Workshop.

What do we call a portal? 

A portal is an eye into the future, an eye into another dimension.

The soul of the man has its own portal. How the physicality has created the portal as ways on transportation for its communication, for its bandwidth strength of the software on higher or lower order. 

If you look at the structure of the physicality of the man and the position of the soul of the man you will see the portal. It has been there, it is a portal that we as a human being would never consider it. If we look at the skull of the man we see within the structure of the skull of the man, the soul of the man has made the portal for itself, in a very clever way. An eye into the dimension of the physicality, an eye in the dimension of the soul, the eye of the soul. If you look at the position of the portal and draw a line when you go across it, what do you see? If you take the totality of the wavelength or the bandwidth of the eye of the man, you cross the position of the soul of the man. The soul of the Man has chosen a dimension of the soft tissue. The rest of his structure is considered to be well absorbed. When we look into the neural system of the eye when we look into the structure of the eye and the soul of the man we find one of the most important portals of the life of the man himself. If you can increase and understand the strength of the soul of the Man and its operation, the whole universe becomes visible to you. 

In the Universal Community, many bases are like this, it is all closed. They have used the strength of the soul to go beyond the dimension of the physicality of the structure of the boundary of the emotion or what we call the brain. We speak about the soul of the man and a portal - the eye of the man. At the same time, this skin follows the whole structure of the physicality. 

Do we need to have a visual direction to be able to see or can we direct our vision for us to be able to transfer through it the strength of the soul of the man? When you understand and when humanity comes to mature enough, you will find out that the physical eye of the man in his body as physicality is one of the most powerful tools that a man could have been given for the transportation and communication of the soul with the universe. Vision, the eye of the man, is soft tissue access.

If you look at the position of the soul and if you look at the other dimension of the brain of the man, the soul sits right through, it looks down the eye of the man. Up or down slightly you will see the direction of the soul. We are looking at the side view of the head. When you look at the frontal view you will see the eye of the Man looks directly into the soul of the man.  Is the vision a portal for communication for the soul of the Man without the restriction to the dimension of physicality to the strength of the other souls? Would we see the soul of entities of the universe through our soul, through the eye of the man, but not through the physical operation of the man; through the soul of the cells of the physicality of the man that it converts to the vision of the soul of the man. Then it comes to one point: is there a part in the brain of the man which can convert such information for us to understand? And then it comes another dimension of the understanding which the vision of the man has to and will open up to that we have already been aware of the existence of the life beyond the life of the man in the universe. The information has been filtered at a given level that is not and is above or below the side vision of the man in the dimension of the physicality of the matter on this planet. 

Medical professionals confirmed the existence through the medical knowledge, the machinery and the systems which confirm the correctness of the science. We put the parallel in the dimension of the soul and understanding the work of the plasma. This brings one thing very important to all of us. We have created systems and technologies to confirm that what we see is what it is because we have transferred the knowledge into the physical dimension of the understanding of ourselves. We send aircraft onto Mars, onto Moon and we take still pictures of that frame at the vision of man not at the strength of the vision of the universe. 

We understand that there is a process of conversion, but the man has made systems to confirm according to the time of his understanding, systems to confirm it is correct and we have accepted it. It is time to walk and understand that the work of the physicality of the universe is not at the level of the vision of the man. It is at the vision of the full-strength spectrum of the soul of the man.

We just convert it, we just take the part which we need. “The God is the creator of all and the man is the converter of some.” We convert very little of it, but the love of the creator expands over the whole spectrum. What you see as an ant to another creature of the universe is a moving soul. Does not see the physicality. This is what we have to understand and in the process of the life especially when you come to portals and a portal to transfer the soul of the man or the dimension of the physicality of the man, these things will count very heavy. It counts very heavy because you have to decide what is the space gap that I can exist and not necessary in the dimension of the physicality of this planet, this solar system, this galaxy, and this universe. If I take the same soul which gives the physicality of the man with two arms and two legs and put it into another universe’s strength dimension it could become nothing. It becomes one sun, it covers the whole space of that universe. Because it is the energy of the system that counts and not the length of your fingers or toes. 

Then we come to one fundamental understanding. When we make these portals, when we make these systems of transportation of the soul of the man into the dimension of the universe, do we need to control them at the strength of the soul of the man on this planet or do we give to the soul of the man the freedom to choose in space its point, its confirmation of existence? 

“I made man in the image of myself.” The image of me on Earth is two hands and two legs and the image of me on Planet Zeus is 20 arms and 40 legs. Which one is my image or is my image dependent on the environments of the manifestation? Do I still communicate and be in control of the space dimension of the soul of the man in that position? I still can look through that portal and I can still be in touch with the mother, with the sister which I knew on the planet. 

Does the soul of the man live, communicate and will forever communicate as long as the dimension of the physicality of the man exists through the portal of the eye of the man? Does the body need the eye, or has it made itself two holes to be able to escape through and be able to do its work, to communicate with the outside at the strength of the vision of the man? Now for the first time, we understand what it means and how the dream comes to be visualized by us. We actually see our eye has always seen the soul of the mother and has transformed it in a physical dimension to the structure of the mother even through the life of the mother in front of you.

Then we come to understand how far Man has fooled himself in confirmation of the physicality. In so many ways we have changed the strength; at a certain strength we see the physicality of the mother but in fact, we always observe the soul of the mother and when the mother changes the position and leaves the physicality we still see the same soul and we transfer it to the vision as the mother. This is the truth of our creation which man has never understood. 

It is like a house with bricks and wherever you go you do not see anything outside except where you left two windows. By the brick walls, we block ourselves to see the outside and the outside to see us. But we chose a window to be the portal for us to be able to see. So has been the man himself. Nothing changes in what is happening outside in the reality of the dimension of existence, it is just when we decide to look through the window. 


All the information from outside has always come in through the window and all the information from inside has gone out through the window. We made the house in the same condition and position of the skull of the man, we gave it a portal. We call it a window and we made it transparent. It is us who have chosen to put the shutters that we do not see when it is dark or when it is cold and in the eye of the man we created the eyelashes that this time I just want to work through the soul. We call it the sleep time, that we do not need the dimension of the information in the dimension of the physicality that we do not want to see the color, the bedroom, the roof, the ceiling or the sky. We only work through the dimension of the soul of the man. 

The work of the soul of the man never stops. Just because you closed the shutters of the windows of the house it does not mean the Sun is not shining and it does not mean that the light bulb in the house is not working. 

You have decided to close but, in reality, the field strength above that shutter moves in, the heat of the Sun comes in. So is the soul of the man. But in the condition of the eye of the man when the information comes through the cycle of the vision in the socket that is another intermediary conversing the information of the soul of the man to the dimension of the physicality of the mother as you know. 

When it comes to the dimension of the space, how do we recognize the passengers of the universe if we carry the dimension of the physicality of the man and their strength of the field of physicality? The astronauts of the future will have a huge problem to separate themselves from this. Those of you who travel through the structure of the soul of the man will enjoy the beauty of the creation across the universe. Then the question goes do we still need a spaceship or do we travel on the ship of the space of our soul and conquer the universe? Now I have offered you one of the biggest mysteries of mankind. Because you are so physical you have to see it to believe it. Now you understand how seeing has been the tool for you not to see the reality because it has kept a man in the dimension of physicality at the strength of more or less the calcium of the life of this planet. Slightly different strength of calcium can create the transparency of the vision of the man. When I piled it up I call it the skull and I had thickened it a little bit I call it the skin, but this is the strength I want to travel, and I made portals for it to travel in the spans of the universe.“ It is for those of you who understand to decide where you want to go and to many of you it will take you some time to understand and many of you have already understood because I have reached and touched the soul to carry the information.” 

In a way if you look at it we have to do something while the soul is alive does not matter on this planet or in the universe. 

Fig 1. The position of the soul of the Man. (Highlighted circle).

What is better to teach the other souls? To serve, to elevate the soul of so many. Then the question comes: what you will do when you become a passenger of the space and in the dimension of the soul of the creation you become part of and you become into a new dimension. Do you become a teacher or you become a thief? This very much depends on the strength of the physicality you choose, or you live on the extension and the dimension of the soul of the man. The physicality needs feeding and if you cannot find continuous feeding, you become a thief. 

The soul becomes a teacher. Does not feed it, but it teaches and as it teaches it receives. Is it what I have given that it has become, not what it has taken from me moving from it. This a very big important point for those of you who start understanding the work of the soul, the understanding of the work of the portals and understanding that the portal of the universe does not have to be in the city but it is in the eye of the man to the vision of the man at a strength of the dimensions of the physicality of the space and time of the existence.

Next time when you dream, and you say I had a dream just think. I did not have a dream. It is what I shared with the soul and the soul allowed me to be to share with. And as the Sun shines and it spreads its light its fields, at the same time shine on Earth as it shines on Jupiter and on Saturn. It is the space of time that it confirms its manifestation. As you are dreaming of or communicating through the dimension of the soul then you are yourself another dimension as a star in the galaxy receiving the lights and the fields of the universe.  You take as much as you need, and you give as much as you do not need. You exist at the same time on Earth, on Mars, on Jupiter and you can be observed in another part of the universe as that shiny dot you call the Sun, we call it a solar system. 

The man has always been in touch with the totality of the universe. It is us who have chosen. We just filter the physicality, we still let the process and the rest in the back and in so many ways explain why the brain of the man is so big and it is such a big recorder of everything. It is not recording just what you see with the eye of physicality, it is recording also what is happening with the eye of the soul of the man with the rest of the souls. It has to remember it because the same as you remember you have been to Africa 20 years ago and you saw the lion, it has to remember it has been into the other universe and has seen such a thing because the other souls which it is in touch with have been there and they want to discuss something.

The man has lived a life of schizophrenic, but he has never known, and as I say the word schizophrenic does not exist it is the beautiful people then you understand it is a beautiful soul. It is the soul of the physicality and soul of the universe which exists within the soul of the man. Maybe now we can start going to the next step and understanding with creating these portals, are we creating the portals for the soul of the creatures of the universe which becomes visible to the soul of us not to the physicality of us or we still want to be in the fantasy world of building a spaceship to see the dimensions of the universe?

When you say “I had a premonition, I knew this was going to happen, I have seen this before and now it has happened!” Ask yourself a question. Did the soul through the dimension of the portal of the eye of the man has already seen it; you just come to see it in the dimension of physicality or has created it for you to see the consequences of it. 

This is the beauty about when you understand the totality of the creation and as messengers of God is our responsibility to enlighten. It is for a man to take the step, to confirm, to understand and take actions by it, due to the pleasure of it, not through the punishment of it. The time of punishment is finished. Those who still choose a path of punishment are thieves of the soul of the man.

It is for the man to understand why and how and the reason for the sight of the man. The sight of the man is a communication line, a transformation line which covers both bandwidths: the dimension of the soul in conjunction with the operation of the universe or the condition of the interaction with a dimension of physicality. It transfers and translates both lines at the same time and it sends it to the same pigeonhole which is relevant to it. Then the portal we make we will see through the eye of the soul, not through the eye of physicality. 

How much more do we have to teach? Now you understand how close mankind is becoming to the point of detachment from physicality because now he has a new night vision of the soul and just because it is dark he could not see up to now. You are given the understanding and the vision of understanding of the totality, the night vision is a totally new day which never ends. At night you wear the night vision, and at day time you see, but the picture is the same. At the same time, you have to decide, do I keep the night vision and physical dimension of the day. Or do I start to understand I have the capability to translate both at the same time? Very much like women, multitasking. The man has been a man, only one task, physicality. Now, what happened when you become a woman and become multitasking that we can translate the vision of physicality and we can communicate and translate the vision of the soul at the same time because they come through the eye of the man. We created, the body has created this to fool the man and that is why we became so physical. 
“I see - I believe”. What about if I manifest myself in the strength of the soul of the mankind that every man can see the totality soul of the Creator? 
“The teaching of today is a turning point for the human race. It is for the man to understand. In the depth of space, the man decides the position and time and the way he likes to enjoy. You want to put a swimming suit on and go in the depth of the ocean or you want to put a suit on and go in the dimension of physicality in the depth of the space? The dimension of the soul within the physicality does not change. It still sees through both dimensions, it does not matter what suit you put on.”
The Creator has created the totality, the soul is pure, and it gives. It is the physicality which plays until it melts and there is nothing and then it blames the Creator and the soul. In the vision of the physicality of the man those who understand and those who see through the soul of the man to the dimension of physicality when the soul receives and becomes part of the dimension or tries to become part of the soul, this brings change in the color of the eye. This happens in the time of creation when the man has to open its eye of the physicality from the womb of the mother and the time of when the soul finds no interference through the eye of the man through the dimension of physicality at the point of departure from the physicality. The soul of the man leaves the body of the man through the eye of the man at the point of death because this is the way it always has come and gone, he knows the door. In the future when the man comes to understand more he will develop systems that will show the process. It is the least path of friction that it creates the dimension of escape.  When the soul of the man opens this path at the point of departure to amalgamate between the balanced fields of the universe the translucent light will create or manifest itself at the point of departure. The man must become aware of the time and space how. He cannot capture it and say I captured the soul, but you can be aware of its existence and the field forces of it. It is not the energy which suddenly explodes at 18 Hiroshima bombs, but it is a subtle departure of the totality of the field to the least path of departure, it pushes through the eye of the man.
“I think today we have explained something that has changed, and we have reached the totality soul of the man. All the created things on this planet with the teaching of today. We will see the change and evolution in the direction that we want from now on. As I always say when we teach we do not need to use the word but our vibration of the fields of our soul touches the totality soul of all the created, not on this planet but on those who are there to learn and to be enlightened. We will see the change, we have started the change because it is taking too long; millions of years to change are too long.
Through the conduct of the man will change for the rest of the creatures on this planet. We have brought everything together in a beautiful way, be it from the leadership, be it from the man, be it from the science of the man, be it from an understanding of the knowledge of the creation. The time is right, and the time is now and this now for us is not this second, it is the process that we have started the change.”