The ABC of publishing in the Plasma Scientific Journal

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The way Mr Keshe teaches the Plasma Science encourages the Knowledge Seekers around the World to seek the knowledge for themselves. If ‘seeing is believing’ with plasma technology ‘experimenting is knowing’. No one is asked to believe in any of the teachings but rather to try out for themselves to gain confidence in the correctness of this knowledge. In this way we are all scientists and each one of us has many beautiful stories to tell.

With KF SSI Education there are no quizzes or exams but as Mr Keshe once said to Jon, ‘show me the light and I show you the way’. The teacher is there to teach when students are ready. This knowledge is not theoretical, and it is for us to experiment with for the benefit of the entire planet. If we keep the results and observations of our experiments only to ourselves, they do not benefit anyone but us. We are here to serve and not to be served.


The universal teacher educates us free of charge as in the Universe there is no money - the more you give, the more you receive in return. Plasma is dynamic and so is the knowledge sharing within the KF. Each experiment performed is like a single ray of the Sun, ray of knowledge. The Sun shines equally in all directions and does not discriminate if you are Muslim or Christian, white or black, rich or poor; or what is your education status.

We perceive this knowledge through the lenses of our own understanding. As we often find out, each sentence in every teaching relates to the micro and to the macro scale simultaneously. It is like a ray of knowledge where each one of us diffracts it through the prism of our own understanding. Plasma Scientific Journal is there to capture these reflections of our own experiences and understanding.