Plasma 101: Carbon-14 The gift for man to stop the killing

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This article is part of the KF Plasma Times February 2019

by Keshe Foundation. Based on 260h Knowledge Seekers Workshop.
Feb-19-carbon 14-2.jpg

What you see in the history of the man did not start with the man when he came out of the water. And it is the same with what is connected with the amino acid which is connected to the dimension of the life which took shape and place in the liquid substance of this planet. Trees, the vertical people mainly understood and relied on the path of the fields and that is how they grow. It is not something we cannot do, plants do, they absorb the ray of light of the Sun; what the Sun gives them, they do not go and steal. They do not go and take another package. And even if it means to come to the end of their lives, they shall not steal. They die in the place they are. We do not see them catching armies and fighting the others

The position with the condition of creation of life which leads to the dimension of amino acid when it interacts with Iron, in majority of the cases, it creates a condition of need for dimension of the faster absorption of the energy and that has come to the point to take from the others faster packages of energy. And then it comes to eating up bigger packages, bigger and bigger packages because it can. It does not matter if fish eats little planktons, or a fish eats another fish, or a man eats another animal because now it is so normal “I kill a pig, I kill a cow, so I kill another man, it is another form of life, it is finished”. The structure of the killing has come from the outset of the need to survive.

What has happened, what we have seen, and we hope it will never happen in the world of the creation again, is this disbalance of the nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. In certain ways when there is a misbalance this creates a very fast flow and a huge reduction in energy. But it still needs to sustain its structure. When you have billions of this put together, you can take some from the environment, but you cannot take forever. 

And the problem mainly with animals, in the animal kingdom is that they layer each other so much, this is the top skin, middle skin, the other skin that the part in the middle cannot receive because the top layers take all. So now for its existence, it needs external intervening, a fast conversion that it survives too.  And do not forget it is connected through the soul of its structure to the soul of the man. 

The soul of the man could not give to do, so has physicality taken over to feed? And now it has taken so much hold that if you are an ant, you are a man, you are a cow, a fish, they all take packages, it is the easy way. It has gone into the mainstream RNA of the life of the horizontal people. 

Feb-19-carbon 14-3.jpg

Vertical people have solved that problem but adding one element to their structure that it takes fields from the universe. But the universal and environmental condition dictate its life. And it has accepted it. I do not kill but I stand the summer and the winters, I lose my leaves that time because then I live in harmony with my environment.

But horizontal people have bypassed this. We need to add something to the structure of the environment that this adding up brings a man to the same dimension as the vertical people. The physical movement of vertical and the physical movements of horizontal is totally different and that means a different package of energy. And that is why if you look, many horizontal people have picked up on certain things especially that they do not need to go for other things. I get my thalamus and thymus in my body to do the conversion of what I need from one thing. 

The man eats the variety of vegetables, meat, and everything to get the full spectrum of the energy it needs for total structure, but certain animals only eat one thing. Always the same fruit, the same flower. But their thalamus and thymus have, in conjunction with each other, created a condition that it converts again. It is still the same monkey, it still has the bone, it still has the liver, it still has the kidney and everything else. How come everything comes out of one food. Because they have found an efficient way to guarantee their existence because nobody else eats what they eat, what they have chosen to eat. They have created a condition in the field that can convert this to anything they like. The arms and legs do not fall off by eating the same food all the time. 

Figure 1. COHN and CH3.

One of the richest men in the world eats every night burned steak with nothing. Day in and day out. Literally, steak which is burned to the skin, totally burned, a solid piece of meat which is like wood. With all the wealth this is the only thing he eats. But he still thinks the same, he still has the same physicality and he has done this for years and years. His body has learned to convert, and this is part of the structure of the new technology. To substitute that in the structure of this planet gradually we walk man to live, to understand it can take from the fields of the environment. 

It is the deficiency in the structure of the RNA which has affected the DNA and, in that structure, stays the same. A mouse has similarity 95-99% to a human. We all came from the space, from Mr. COHN (amino acid). Our base is the same. We have to change something in the 99% of COHN of the horizontal people to make them become like the vertical people, that is all that is missing. And it sits in the structure of the soul of this amino acid which has linked itself unfortunately to Iron. 

There is part of the technology which I do not teach, and it is known as Carbon-14. 

Carbon-14 has a lot to do with the behavior of the man, and if one day we understand this, we can change the man. Why Carbon-14? The vertical people have Magnesium. In horizontal people, we always suffer from Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn) and Copper (Cu). COHN values from 42 to 44 energy balance of the fields. Iron varies from 55 to 58. Now you see where Carbon-14 comes in (58 minus 44).  Is this gap which makes the horizontal people dangerous? It is too big, and it needs to be fed for the whole physicality to exist as the horizontal people.

The closest we get to this is CH3 (13,5 - 15,5). This is one of the reasons why in my work I introduced CH3. It is not for you to be, it is to close this gap. This is part of this problem. CH3 is between 13,5 and 15,5, depends on the energy balance of the Carbon and Hydrogen.

Fig 2. COHN, CH3 and Fe.

The construction of life is very simple. You have a CH3 (C – 12, H - 1) and you have an amino acid (COHN: N – 14, C – 12, O – 16, H - 1) On the amino acid, you can see a very balanced base with very low top. (Fig 1. A) and CH3 with a slow balanced base with very high top (Fig 1. B). In fact, when you lock it in it becomes very much balanced. It gives in near enough.

Composing one COHN with 2 CH3 will balance near enough 56 – which is the energy strength of the Iron (Fig. 2), so will the amino acid still need to link with the Iron or does it behave and mimics the balance of it? There is a secret in the whole creation of CH3 the way we produce it. There is an iron in the middle, alloy materials on the side, zinc, nickel or whatever. This is alloy because the field strength in it can create a binding. When you put your copper here nanocoated to make your GANS of CH3, the carbon energy release confirmation from interaction from the environment is the Zinc mixture with the Copper. That gives you the Carbon. Then you have a problem. Then your problem sits with the Iron. 

Your CH3 is a gravitational magnetic field orientation of Iron. So when you put it with the amino acid you already have a common denominator in the field strength that when it creates the fields in the interaction you have the amino acid which is balanced with the iron and in being balanced, iron feeds itself and does not need to kill for it.

Your carbon has a gravitational magnetic field strength of the copper in conjunction with the gravitational-magnetic field of zinc, so it is directly connected to your muscles and to your nerves. Now you produce a condition that is connected to the iron. It is complete. You have every connection you need. You touch the soul of the man, you touch the physicality of the man, you bring a balance in energy transfer between the matter state plasma and the field state of the matter. 

Man does not need to kill. 

This CH3 elevates the soul of the animal, this CH3 elevates the physicality of the energy, this CH3 connects to the blood of the man through his eye. It has everything. You connect the CH3 with the amino acid of it. You never understand what gift you have in your hand. I have given the biggest gift to mankind to walk away from killing.