Investigation of the effect of: CH3, CO2, K & Mg GANSes and amino acids on cucumber and tomato crops

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This article is part of the KF Plasma Times February 2019
Author: Radii Babanu, Republic of Moldova, Transnistria, Tiraspol.

Keywords: Plasma, GANS, tomato, cucumber, CO2, CH3, CONH, K, Mg.

Published: February 2019.


This study aims to document the effect of the various GaNSes on the growth of tomato and cucumber plants in a garden of a private house in Moldova. In our country, the climate is not always favorable and so is the quality of the soil. But Republic of Moldova is a country where there are many rural residents who grow most of the necessary vegetables and fruits in their garden plots.

I decided to explore the effectiveness of plasma agriculture in a local climate, with crops that are mainly grown here.

I hoped that the positive results of the experiment would set a good precedent for my country. There are two small plots around my house, with very bad soil.

Attempts to grow something never gave the result. There was a lot of work, no result, it was too hot, too dark and too dry. Therefore, I decided that if a crop was obtained at these plots with the help of plasma science, then it would be proven that it is possible to receive a crop in all other garden plots of the country, where conditions are usually much better than mine.



Seedlings: The 20cm tall seedlings of tomato and cucumber were purchased on local market

Date of Planting: 12th of April 2018.

Land Plots: 2 small parcels.

Planting: intermittent, uneven distribution.

Watering: regularly, once in 2-4 days, depending on soil humidity.

Note: All previous attempts to grow plants on these land lots failed, plants were perishing, not even reaching maturity. Attempts were made in different years.

GaNS preparation

Figure 1. Tomatoes and cucumbers’ growth, on 10 May 2018.

The CO2 + Mg + K GaNS was manufactured in our own private home laboratory, according to the Keshe plasma technology, like creating GaNS for nutrition. The medicament “ASPARKAM” from pharmacy (Potassium aspartate & magnesium aspartate) in form of pills was grinded to powder and kept at least 7 days in the CO2 GaNS for field transition of K and Mg into the obtained GANS mix. Then we added GaNS amino acid COHN, extracted from the CO2 plasmatic reactor. The resulting GaNS was then put into a 3-liter plastic container (bottle) and filled and mixed with distilled water – to produce sufficient amount of the liquid plasma of it. Finally, 5ml of the CH3 GaNS was added to the obtained GaNS mix.


  • In the first week – 10-15% solution of CO2 liquid plasma, sprayed on the plants’ surface.
  • During the following period – 10-15% solution of CH3+CO2+Mg+K+COHN, sprayed on the plants’ surface.
  • Vessels with liquid plasma were placed on land plots with interval from 1.5 to 3m, to create a constant plasma field in plants area.
  • Treatment period: 2-4 days, spraying was done at the time of watering or after watering the soil, during the first two months after planting.
  • For the rest of time, after first two months, plasma treatment was mainly done by fields emitted by the vessels. Spraying was done at most 1-2 times a month.
Figure 2. Tall species tomatoes, on 25 May 2018.


After 4 weeks from the planting day, on 10th of May 2018, all of the tomatoes survived the planting in open soil and reached the height up to 40cm, are blooming and fruiting enormously, fruits reaching up to 3cm diameter. Cucumber seedlings of “KONKURENT” species reached the height of around 50cm, bloomed enormously and fruited, the size of small cucumbers being 1.5-2cm. All plants look very well, trunks and leaves are physically vigorous having intense green color – as in Fig. 1.

The seeds planted on 17th-19th of April germinated and kept growing: cucumbers of species “Konkurent”, “Rodniciok” and “Phoenix-640”. These seeds were treated with CO2 liquid plasma for 24 hours before planting.

As in Fig.2, after 1.5 months after planting, on May 25th 2018, tall species tomatoes have reached height of 90-110cm, cucumbers 90- 100cm, with extensive Phyto mass, healthy stems and leaves, with enormous amount of blooms and fruits. Leaves look healthy, have intensive green color and their dimension is normal to large. Fruits reach sizes up to 5cm in amount of 5-7 tomatoes for one inflorescence.


First cucumbers of good condition were collected at 29th of May. Regular harvest of cucumbers started from June 10th – 15th. They had normal appearance, pronounced taste – as in Fig. 6.

Figure 4. General appearance, on 27 May 2018.

Ripening of tomatoes began in the middle of June, first ripe tomatoes appeared on 3rd week of the month. During July- September, ripe tomatoes were harvested regularly, in amount of 1-2 kg, every 2-3 days. They had normal appearance and pronounced sweetish taste – crops’ measurements in Fig. 7.

Figure 3. Leaves appearance and size, on 27 May 2018.

During the entire period of vegetation, tomatoes continued to grow, bloom and fruit. Plant height reached 2.5 - 3 meters with continuously growing Phyto mass. Cucumbers as well evolved normally, taking all the available space. They had a very nice crop compared to what was expected for a such dark place.

Active vegetation period was long enough, which is usual for tall species tomatoes. They have continued to grow even in October, and their upper crown became so massive, that they broke supporting frames. They have continued to produce ripe tomatoes, kept blooming, had a lot of green fruits. Ripening speed has degraded for the reason of daily temperatures lowering. Cucumbers continued fruiting actively until October, despite having a lot of dry leaves already – as in Fig. 9.

Figure 5. Measuring height of crops, on 13 June 2018.
Figure 6. First crop – cucumbers, on 29 May 2018.
Figure 7. Tomatoes' first harvest growing, on 13 June 2018.

Pests control

From pathogenic pests, only the activity of pseudo peronosporosis “Pseudoperonospora cubensis Rostowz” was observed.

Pests control was made by spraying liquid CuO2 plasma several times. Also, its spread and growth was stopped by removing affected leaves.

Despite the fact of having pests, both tomatoes and cucumbers provided good gather. Pests were not active.

Figure 8. Vegetation dynamics - tomatoes and cucumbers, on 18 August 2018.

Summary and results

As a result of this agrarian experiment on mentioned land plots was established that:

  1. Desired action of plasmatic field is evident and pronounced.
  2. In the presence of the plasmatic field of carbon (C), magnesium (Mg), and potassium (K), the plants look and behave like they are fertilized by mineral enrichment.
  3. Plasmatic field is available for the plants and has a good effect, despite the fact it was created using different methods.
  4. Active vegetation period of cultures has prolonged and became more effective for the reason of plants being under the influence of the plasmatic fields.
Figure 9. Active vegetation period, October 2018.


Special thanks to: Mr. Mehran Tavakoli Keshe for plasmatic science kindly provided to the humanity; Group of the Keshe Technology Research “KESHE FOUNDATION ROMANIA”, for inspiration and support; and Mr. Kakasi Sandor, my good friend, for support and assistance in understanding the GaNS preparation process.

Original submission available via this link.