Position of the soul & what are our dreams
This article is part of the KF Plasma Times February 2019
The very first times when we started speaking about the position of the soul I explained to you the stereo bone. So, you will have your stereo bone, you have your vision, you can pinpoint the position of your soul. If I draw this in a different dimension it is very simple. You have the two hemispheres of the brain, you have the two eyes which cross, and you have the two ears. If you draw the line right across in a very specific way, you should be able to see the dimension of the soul and the position of the soul.
We always had a back system and we always gain access out of it. In the future when a man grows in the knowledge you will understand something very simple. Why when we have a dream, we have a vision? When we have a dream about our mother, or our loved ones or our children, why do we see visually, why do we connect with the noise and the place? It is because the soul of the man sees through the eye of the man and in that process of achieving and reaching other souls what he gets back it comes through the vision, so we have a vision of it. Man, up to now have never understood this. This absorption as a limitation of the soft tissue of the eye and the liquid within the eye of the man is a transformation of the level of the soul to the level of physicality. Many conditions when you do not even have the eyeball the structure which is built by the ancestors in the position of the conversion sits within the eye of the man. The physicality of the eyeball is more or less irrelevant in comparison to the soul. This is why our soul’s portal is in the eye of the man. That is why everything we see as a dream or the connection between our soul and understanding in connection with other Souls goes through the eye of the man at a given strength.
Are we dreaming or is our physical life part of the physicality dream? Do we live two lives, one life in the dimension of the physicality strength and one in the dimension of the soul of the strength of the universe? When you close your eyes and you call it to sleep and you have that dream which means you use the dimension of the portal of the eyes to be maybe in 10 different dimensions, but you only want to choose one. The same thing happens while you are walking you live the two lives, the life of the physicality, the soul of the strength of the matter state of this planet and then the dimension of the soul of the universe. The portal of the soul of the man operates in two dimensions and it is him who has to choose and at the time when you blank out one frequency which is the frequency of the physicality, the other one which has been walking around the time is in still in touch. We decide today I want to listen to Channel 4 and tomorrow to Channel 3 and Channel 4 was the dream I wanted to see what the mother is saying and Channel 4 is the other, Channel 2 is my father and I convert that channel to vision through them coming back, transferring the knowledge through my eyes, as the physicality of the existence of what I see.
The whole structure of the skull of the man receives other strength. At the level of the vision of the man that we see our loved ones or we see we are in the environment, we see through the portal to the strength of the soul, through the vision of the eye of the man which in return from the soul of the environment and the soul of the loved ones we see it converts back into and becomes the vision or memory or what we had a dream of.