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Ethos at the Keshe Foundation is defined from a new perspective. We are introducing a technology, unknown up to now by mankind. Bringing with it, a new science, new ethos and new language to this planet joining as mankind the universal community as equals.

The universe as we conceive it, is part of creation. The creation consists of interacting fields, which cannot be seen: Plasmatic fields. Creation is everywhere and everything: The matter state strength field and Plasmatic strength field, but there is yet another higher level of creational energy, which needs to be understood.

The universal order of creation follows principles; an ethos.

Freely teaching, sharing, no peer review, no patentioning

Matter State

Matter state, MaGrav Energy Systems for example the first step should be, to give away you first MaGrav System before you create a MaGrav System for yourself. This is the first step of the learning process to give freely. It's the learning of the giving. Always before starting any process of anything about you create, give from your soul. This also applies for your GANSes, Nano-coating, Star Formations,...

Plasma State

Suprisingly enough the matter state is nothing more then weak interlocked Gravitational and Magnetic fields which are visible and tangible.

What is a Plasma? Is an energy field. 2 Plasmas or more makes matter. 3 Plasmas biology.

Plasma, physics, chemistry, biology, soul.

The fields are the condition of the Plasma. It is the state of the matter which radiates the fields. We can observe with the naked eye the Plasma fields of a person as shown in the Kirlian photography the aura and the colours. It is a matter state and at the same time it is a Plasma state. You can create different Plasma states.

Everywhere in the universe the Carbon 14 has nearly the same strength all over in this universe.

Working in Plasma state, matter state and the work of the soul.

Everything has a soul and interacts with each other.