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Production of the One Cup One Life - Twin Cup

Another effective possibility to create the One Cup One Life Amino Acids and GANS, are the Twin Cups. It consists of two equalized One Cup One Life cups, which are connected to each other and form an infinity loop of plasmatic field flow. (The Twin Cup system is not used for the Second Cup of Life!)

Therefor place two One Cup One Life cups next to each other. The second cup is turned 180 degrees. The two blank Copper coils of both Cups, have to face each other in the middle.

The two twisted connecting wires (Zinc plate and bare Copper coil) of the first One Cup One Life, are connected by a 0.5 - 1 meter long Copper wire to the Copper bridge (with the Nano-coated Copper coil) of the second One Cup One Life. The same is repeated from the second One Cup One Life to the first One Cup One Life.

When the two cups are connected to each other, place them at a distance of 0.5 to 1 meter from each other. The Zinc plates and coils of both cups form a line.

Now add your 15% salt solution in both cups as you would in your single One Cup One Life. Soon the first Amino Acids and GANS will appear.

Boris Johnson Cover Letter

Dear Prime Minister Johnson,

Re Covid-19 Resolution Developed by British Trained Nuclear Engineer Mr M T Keshe, Now Being Implemented in Iran and Wuhan China.

Please find attached a copy of an email I sent to you at boris.johnson.mp@parliament.uk at 22:12 on the 17th March 2020.

I also sent the email to rishi.sunak.mp@parliament.uk and office@westsuffolkconservatives.com where the email was awaited in the office by Roberta for immediate forwarding to Matt Hancock and team.

The email itself is replete with links to references for your information.

In the past 3 days more progress has been made.

While the death toll in Iran has climbed dramatically with increasing numbers of doctors succumbing, some have now experienced the plasma water for themselves and recovered rapidly.

This has led to increasing acceptance and the probability that the media will broadcast the solution nationally in Iran in the coming days.

The Chinese government has capitulated and will confirm their gratitude to the Keshe Foundation for the breakthrough in their situation.

On the other hand the virus is mutating fast.

It is now reported from the medical establishments in China and Iran that in many cases the virus no longer attacks the lungs, causing a cough. Instead, mutations are attacking the central nervous system, digestive system, reproductive system and are beginning to affect the bone. All have the potential to be lethal.

While it is impossible to keep pace with these mutations with our current vaccine technology (as evidenced by influenza vaccination) the GANS Plasma technology may be applied successfully in all instances with very rapid results.

What next?

Great Britain has the opportunity to be first to implement this novel technology in the West, and get our Nation back on track in a matter of a few short weeks. I would be happy to contribute in whatever way I can and to put you in contact with Mr Keshe.

If we DON’T move on this, other nations will, and we will have to take our turn.

I am doing my utmost to reach you the British government first. But I am aware that the Iranian media will not stop at their borders, and journalists the world over will start asking questions.


The Keshe GANS Plasma Technology is hugely disruptive and Mr Keshe is a controversial figure. Vested interests have mounted a powerful and long-running campaign to discredit him and his heretical science.

I ask that you disregard the noise and focus entirely on the growing body of evidence as to the efficacy and speed of this approach. It is easily tested.

Thank you for your courage and leadership.

Yours sincerely.