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Excerpt from the 313th Knowledge Seekers Workshop[1]

Is it ok to use Magnesium Salt instead of Kitchen Salt?

(Libby) Is it ok to use Magnesium Salt instead of Kitchen Salt?

(MK) Yeah, actually the Magnesium salt connects directly to the Soul of the man. Why not.

It is,... as I said, the limitation of this knowledge is a limitation of man's understanding of his own limitations. We limit our knowledge. There is no one right, no one is wrong and this is what I set for the new technology. There is no peer review. If it gives you a result you have to understand why.

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Why do you feel it, when you choose the sort of Magnesium, because in the brain of the man we have mainly this.

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Very very very very little.

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You have a Zinc.

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You hardly have no, zero Copper. Very very little.

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These are minute, minute and they are used in a very specific positions.

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You have a huge amount of what we call radioactive material, but we don't see this, because this is the whole division of the cells of the body.

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And in so many ways we have very limited amount of this.

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There is vast, vast amount of, what I call Phosphor and Sulfur connected to dimension of repair and multiplication of RNA.

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And if you have chosen any of these Salts, then you have to understand where you're heading.

(The following pictures show in which order the lines were drawn)

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(The new lines in this picture were drawn from top to bottom)

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If you noticed here and here, each one has a specific reason and position.

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And each salinity between these are a connection of the CO2.

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(A new drawing begins. Mr Keshe changes in the following between those too)

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The reason you have a CO2 in you lung is very very simple and you have a CO2 in your brain.

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They feed each other.

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That's why they are placed above or below each other and the line of connection is an CO2 in them.

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That's why when we breathe, when we start our breathing channel, the whole thing falls apart. When we breathe we don't pass energy,

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the energy is outside the p hysical boundary. So this is what we see in the structure. So any of these Salts you can choose, you can do.

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This has to do with the Soul of the Man. If you get this one

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and understand this one

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and the connection with this one,

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or connection with this one especially,

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then you can reach the soul of the man and the soul of your ancestors, but this needs a very deep understanding.

(John) Is this also a reason why we need about six to seven percent CO2 in our brain?

(MK) Without it you don't have the connection with the lung. The field is created and controlled and linked up through the lung. One of the reasons we release CO2 is to keep the structure of the brain in order.

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You got to understand we create huge amount of CO2. We think we breathe it out, but as we said when you breathe,

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if you remember the body of the man and whatever, his mouth and his nose,

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you get the best, the highest energy,

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you do the same on breathing out. You give the highest energy which is needed for interaction with the physicality of the soul of man. It's not that you just breath CO2 out, it's the same process.

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The best of the highest energy for connection for breathing for support for the  physical construction connection with the body of the man comes all the way back too.

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And this CO2 and not only linking,

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but continuously confirming it's existence.

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And this CO2 and not only linking, but continuously confirming it's existence. We always look in what we take and this is the biggest problem with human race. When, if you go back to the teaching and in the past, I explained to you that, when you breath the soul takes the best. The soul is a clever chap.

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When you breathe out it takes the best of what is created new for itself too. Maybe for the first time man understands why he gets CO2 out

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without it, that is why when we cut the throat  hole, we cut the breathing line, the brain stops,

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because it does not get what it needs to match to link up and create a dimension of the connection with the soul of the man. The breathing out is more important than breathing in, because energy which is made for itself, it consumes it. It needs it otherwise it cannot operate. If you allow people in coma, or people in a deep shock state, breathe through their nose and their lungs they recover very fast, because you energize with what the body creates. It's literally the exhaust coming out. Its very much like people who drink their urine and say they put things back, because the body has made it. It's matching it. It's what it needs.

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Its not the conversion that you cross all the energy through the lung to the blood. That is for the blood. What comes out is for the soul of the man. The best, the best best best could be done, because is made by itself.

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It's the first time I released this knowledge, but if you understand and go to my cups from 20 years ago, this is the first thing I consider.

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Breath in and breathe out very very slow, because that soul needs all what is created. You're destroying anything is there.

  1. 313th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, January 30, 2020 at 02:53:02 https://youtu.be/Q3r3aKhWYJc?t=10382