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The Universal Council Mandate

Universal GuidelinesThe soul of the Universal Council member should shine like the light of the creator, to be the source of light for other souls and radiate the light of the beauty of the creator and have and try to reach all attributes of The Soul of The Creator.In time creatures of the universe shall see the light of the soul of the man and not the physicality of the man.

Members of the Universal Council are chosen by strength of their souls alone in serving the humanity and the universal community and never by others.The members of the council can't announce themselves as a member of the council unless it is announced and registered under the council’s registrar panel.

No members of the council can ever speak as themselves as being a member of the council to influence their opinion or words, as then if done so, at this point immediately they lose their seat in the council and a new member can stand for the vacant position.

The members of the council shall not be elected but chosen by the soul of the man for it to be able to serve the humanity and as the soul of council members self-select themselves.The dedication of the soul of the council comes from service through giving from the soul and not by talk or physical actions.

No Member of the council has the right, or can or ever should be, elected by giving their time, money and effort on promoting oneself, as the others see the true soul of the man and his intentions.

Those who try to show that they are better servants of humanity, they do not stand a chance to take a seat in the council.

A Universal Council member cannot nominate a new council member, otherwise they lose their seat in the council.


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Overall Structure of the Universal


Our message is very simple, the man himself is part of the Creator, and this is the eventual understanding of the teachings. When you are part of total, you are the total, you carry all the essence of it. It's you who decide to what limit you want the essence to manifest itself. When you stand and look at totality, you have to be impartial to every aspect, be it, the way you've been brought up, the way you were educated, because by being impartial, just look at everything else, you don't need to defend position. And not defending a position you don't spend energy, but you add to the energy because from what you learn. Knowledge, if you ever understood, is sharing part of the Soul of the man who gave you the knowledge.

This is what man has not understood in most of the work of this culture. When you read something from Einstein, when you read something from Edison, when you read something from Tesla, when you read something from da Vinci, when you read it, it's just a reading, but when you understand the reading, you'll receive part of the Soul of the man. That's how you elevated yourself. Reading a knowledge and understanding it, doesn't matter what it is, it's receiving from the Soul of the man because he had so much to give, now you receive it, and then if you can use it, you have elevated yourself to his level. And a lot of people don't understand this. Enlightenment is part of the field of the Universe. It's you who decide how, at what level you get enlightened, and then this is the process of the progress of the maturity of the Soul.”

M.T. Keshe 73rd One Nation, One Planet, One Race, April 2, 2019 https://youtu.be/FSY3PQQSB70?t=1847

As we operate on two levels in parallel - Soul of the Man (Carbon-14) and Soul of Physicality (Carbon-12), the same applies to the structure of the Universal Council. Therefore, what is presented below, presents it from both perspectives to give a better understanding of the structure and operation of the Council.


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Structure of the Universal Council

The Council operates and communicates through the strength of the Soul of the Council, which can be visualized in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Structure of the Universal Council.png


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Universal Council of 12

The rotation of all members,12 councilors and 12 sub councils, leaves in the main 144 councils, is by rotation of the members and will be for the duration of one cycle of man for 1 year. Thus each seat on each council becomes a member on the main council every 1 year which chooses its position by state of the soul and its sincerity of the soul in its group to serve humanity. The rotation of the position is by servitude and not by seat position. Thus a whole race has to become supporter to the soul of their self selected soul that his/her soul promotion leads him/her to be at the seat of the council and then on the main seat of the main council.

Explanation of the Expansion of the Universal Council

The council operates as one circle(Fig. 1 - small circle #1), until it reaches a good number of members with sufficient understanding to form another sub-council. When this happens, a second circle is established (Fig. 1 - small circle #2). When the total number of UC members exceeds 24, a third circle/sub-council can be established, and so on. Members of the new sub-council are not necessary the 12 members that joined last. Formation of a new sub-council may involve rotation of some of the members of the previously established sub-council e.g. UC members from sub-council #1 upon the formation of the second sub-council, can move to sub-council #2 to balance it out in servitude towards humanity. Each circle operates and meets independently but the efforts of all the circles are coordinated through the work of the counselors, who play a role of a bridge, that is to coordinate the efforts of all the 12 sub-councils. Therefore, whatever a given sub-council works on, this is coordinated/communicated through the General Council Assembly, which is made up of the 12 counselors (can be called Coordinators if more appropriate). In that way a request originating from circle #1 through this communication structure, after being discussed in the General Council Assembly can reach, for example, circle #2 (or 3 or 4, etc.) that is able to help in providing the solution. As new members join, the structure of the UC gets constantly replicated. Each circle works independently in delivering solutions but when the need arises, calls for help from other circles. Each sub-council contributes to the portfolio of knowledge and solutions that the Council delivers, so that other sub-councils can benefit from the work of all sub-councils. The scope of the work of the council is further defined in the following subsections of this document.


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Implementation of Solutions

The solutions proposed by the Universal Council are implemented with the help of the Keshe Foundation Core Team, Earth Council(EC), Universal Council supporters(UCs), language communities, Knowledge Seekers, and the Keshe Foundation (KF).

With all of us united together as One Nation, One Planet, One Race, we work together through our souls and our unity manifests the solutions in matter state.

As depicted in Fig. 2, The Universal Council embraces every soul with an abundance of hospitality and servitude. We welcome all wishes arriving from everywhere. They will be processed through the Core Team, Earth Council (EC), Universal Council supporters (UCs), language communities, Knowledge Seekers, and the Keshe Foundation (KF) (outer, green circle); and processed by the UC members involved in the operation of the different Councils (middle, orange circle); and in the future, processed even more through the Soul level communication (inner, dark-blue circle).