Peace Blueprint for Humanity

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This article is part of the KF Plasma Times September 2018

1 Year Anniversary 2 august 2017 – 2 august 2018


28th of June 2017 is the day when the Peace Blueprint was publicly announced.

“The Keshe Foundation calls upon all members of all groups and individuals to attend and take their position in the cycle of peace movement, which has been taken shape in the past years by the actions and science which has been given as a gift by all members of the Foundation to humanity for the advancement of science and through it, for the creation of the right environment for peace on this planet.

Please call on all those, whom you know and have access to internet or social media and governments and all groups of society to listen and join the 178th Knowledge Seekers Workshop to be held on Thursday 29th of Jun 2017 and to be known as the 'Blueprint for peace for humanity".

The Keshe Foundation invites all members of The Universal Council, The Earth Council and The Core team to be present in this presentation.

The time and the place for the world peace is upon humanity and is the duty of every man on Earth to take the responsibility of making sure that this cycle of peace movement through application of new technology can guarantee the peace on earth that brings about to make all nations as one nation and all to become part of ever lasting peace on this blue planet.

My Fellow men, I have done what has been possible to share the knowledge of Universe and creation of peace amongst the race of the Man as has been destined for the race of the Man and on equal measures in the past years, now I call on all your souls to join the soul of the creator to initiate and encourage the leaders of the Man to become men of peace and SIGN the humanity to the lasting peace on the Earth and start the beginning of and the Signing of humanity to final acts needed to bring about ever lasting peace on this Earth of the Man.

Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, World citizen and founder of the Keshe Foundation”

Following the announcement, nuclear engineer Mehran T. Keshe has held a marathon of Peace Public Teachings – Knowledge Seekers Workshops, published on the Keshe Foundation Youtube Channel, in the playlist Blueprint for Peace for Humanity, which concluded with humanity signing itself to peace as of 2nd of August 2017.

The one-year anniversary from the signing all nations to peace has been held on 2nd of August 2018, hosted by the Universal Council during the 235th Knowledge Seekers Workshop.

“It’s not easy, it’s been a rough ride but it’s worth it and we sit and look at many changes especially since last year and many developments that the soul of man collectively has decided on the path of peace. If you go back last year when we were having these thoughts of setting up the Universal Council and the World Peace Treaty and 1Nation1Planet1Race we had heavy burdens loaded on humanity”

For the full recording of the celebration please follow the link:
"It’s amazing how everything is evolving outside and inside of us, since the Signature of Peace Treaty last year. All the knowledge seekers in diverse areas, have advanced of one, or of several steps towards the opening of global and globalizing consciousness. We take confidence of our responsibilities, understanding that the evolution is carried out individually, and then to fuse it with other ones, which are our mirrors. Up to the moment we have advanced as broken mirrors, thinking that we were the best and the strongest in an absurd competition, today we understand that we need to fix that broken mirror to transform it into ONE and to shine all-together. Often, we meet rejections and be criticized and that pushes us to go beyond the radar screen, breath the pure plasma to raise ourselves again, to make it circulate in us and in our rounding to shine ever more, and to illuminate our environment with our example and our interior peace, increasingly requested by so many changes of positions. Any innovative idea, which escapes from the manipulative agenda, seems to be initially ridiculous, passing then as dangerous, turning finally in evident. With 300.000.000 students of the Keshe Foundation we are entering in this last phase, waking up many friends, especially in the countries with more needs and that are accepting this force of the liberating plasma science, the best way to give the example and the evident vision, allowing so many people to be inspired. The biggest force, is the power of love and the humility of those beings who transmit it unconditionally. It’s wonderful to assist in this planetary awakening, taking awareness of our enormous power, that guides us to join our Universal friends."
- Ursula, Spanish Universal Council Member
"It is encouraging to notice that the number of people that know about Keshe Foundation technology has grown in the Bengali speaking communities and many communities across the planet. It is equally rewarding to see that this built through the use of health-related application as more than 4000 people have benefitted from it near the area I located in Bangladesh. This effect is not restricted to the local area of operation because some people have taken some these solutions to the villages many kilometers away. One of the interesting effects is that a few of the people are attending our weekly Bengali public teaching after seeing the KF technology benefits directly. A number of these people are from the younger generation, and they are using Pain Pens in playing fields, for example. We are looking forward to expanding the awareness through education, more use of the technology, and the students spreading KF knowledge not only through the word but also their action. We are beginning to see the ethos of Keshe Foundation taking root as the process evolves."
- Mosfeq, Bengali Universal Council Member
"It was a great pleasure to take part in the 1st anniversary of the signing of the World Peace Treaty (WPT). Last year, a month-long Blueprint for Peace for Humanity ended up with all the World languages’ representatives signing the WPT. The Polish-speaking community sent a countless number of invitations to the Polish president and the prime minister, without getting any replies. What was ignored by people at power, was delivered by the Soul of the Polish-speaking community. Since then many international conflicts have been resolved or prevented - such as the one in Togo. Confirmation of our wish for Peace found its reflection in the Physicality and it’s for us to realize that it was us who collectively made this happen. Politicians around the World have started admitting that war is too expensive.
China, North Korea and USA are finding their ways to work together despite their differences. Now the time has come for the entire World to realize that we are all made in the image of the Creator. There are no better and worst, or higher and lower, we are alike and the key to our peaceful coexistence lies in acceptance through education. Instead of focusing on the past, we should look at the future which needs to be just for every being on this Planet. At the same time, we should always remember that peace inside means peace outside. How can we thrive in the emotion of Peace if even at home we battle? The journey to Peace starts within us through the understanding of our own Soul. The thrill and the joy of signing the WPT are still present in our Souls. I can remember, like if it was yesterday, the feeling of unity with the Souls of other languages. A common field strength which spreads across the Planet has united us into One Nation, One Planet, One Race."
- Pete, Polish Universal Council Member
"It is Amazing to witness how we progress with our understanding of this new way of thinking. Everything making more sense as the time goes by. Like Mr. Keshe always said, “The knowledge I am passing to you it like a puzzle and one day you will be able to put all the pieces together and all will make sense “.
Mr. Keshe is teaching directly to our Souls persistently over the past years and we are slowly gradually maturing and integrating a new way be. He has been given us consistent support over the past years to creating as we speak the “Condition” to a new World That has one common wish, ours wish: Peace and Balance. As Mr. Keshe always told us, when the time is right, as the Universe is all about precision timing, will be only one outcome: The Elevation of the all Souls, happening effortless with no thinking, with the strong common feeling of connection between all of us. That moment is happening now."
- Stefania, Italian Universal Council Member
"I can remember we were sitting for hours and hours preparing the presentation for the first world peace anniversary. We started preparing this presentation weeks ago, then there were only days and suddenly only some hours left. Finally, we ran out of time. So, we had only one possibility: finishing the presentation just in time, you know sleeping is overvalued! ;-) And indeed, after an approximately ten-hour shift (=zoom meeting) we handed in our presentation and it was amazing!
We were sticking to this last meeting nearly all the time, some were coming into the meeting, others were going out of the meeting, in the meantime the technically talented people were putting the content in and formatting the presentation, while others were handing their content in. Then the organizationally talented people were structuring and restructuring the whole presentation. After this the creative people came up with new ideas what else should be mentioned in the presentation. The visually oriented people made sure the presentation was easily understood and was optically well received. And the legal experts checked if all the pictures had no copyrights. At the end the grammar and spelling experts were doing their jobs.
After describing the last preparation meeting for the first world peace anniversary what do I want to share? I want to share this spirit, this soul of all the Universal Council members who were working together for one aim: making a joyful world peace anniversary happen. We were a group of all different cultures, from different parts of the world, from different time zones, from different backgrounds working together to reach our aim. And although it was exhausting and we all were tired we really enjoyed working together and enjoyed creating the presentation for the first world peace anniversary because we felt as being one, one soul, one Universal Council!"
- Caroline, German Universal Council Member
"The one-year celebration of the signing of all countries into Peace was a beautiful reminder of what is to come, and a lot of positive changes has already taken place in the world. The peace between South and North Korea is one. I read an article about a mother that meet her son for the first time in 68 years and their love and joy was incredible and could be felt. The peace process is so important on so many levels and we are all important contributors to it.
Every Soul on this planet is a contributor to World Peace and every one of us is encouraged to bring the necessary inner Peace, balanced Soul, balanced emotions and balanced physical life. When we live our lives with correct conduct and we implement the ethos of the Keshe Foundation which is:” We are here to serve, not to be served” the power of our own Soul is released, and we will find that we are all connected. Then we can live together in Peace across the world as one united Humanity and we will all be proud ambassadors of Earth in the spans of the Universe and Humanity will be known as a peaceful race.
The process of bringing World Peace is the main purpose of the Universal Council and our wishes bring Humanity closer to Peace day by day. Let’s live at Peace and wish for Peace and we will achieve Peace, World Peace."
- Marie, Norwegian Universal Council Member
"On August 2, 2018, we, the Universal Council members, celebrated the first anniversary of humanity’s signing itself to peace. Exactly one year earlier, we had come together as Universal Council Language Members to sign all the nations of the world to peace. As far as I know, this was the very first time in the history of the world that a group of ordinary people had united through their souls and taken action to make global peace a reality. That, by itself, was a major achievement of the Universal Council. But more importantly, our united souls have since worked both separately and together to elevate all human souls to accept peace and live in a new world without wars – One Nation, One Planet, One Race (1N1P1R), a world that is perpetually peaceful and knowledgeable enough to travel the spans of the universe. Over the last one year, we have actively joined our souls to not only wish for peace in problem areas of the world, but to also elevate the souls of all the people who live in such problem areas, including those who deny others peace in those areas. In so doing, we have continually learned to give in all directions, like the sun. Through loving and giving from our souls, we have, slowly but surely, found the right path of joining other universal communities in everlasting peace, everywhere. It is this path, and how to master its treading that I mostly had in mind and soul as we celebrated the first anniversary of humanity’s signing itself to peace."
- Gatua, Gikuyu Universal Council Member
"My everyday soul peace engagement, is present in my mind. The 2nd of August anniversary was a confirmation of that present commitment of joy that expands my breath and heart to future confirming the past and vice-versa. In Zero-time peace action, emotion and thought, we guarantee the creation of eternity in peace in our reality. This one way of the path to peace with joy and happiness feeling is my favorite and my commemoration!"
- Rui, Portuguese Universal Council Member
"I express my gratitude to Mr. Keshe, the universal teacher, as his wish is to achieve World Peace on this planet for all souls. My gratitude to all the knowledge seekers, Core Team, Earth Council and Universal Council members, support UC members. Through understanding and applying the knowledge delivered by Mr. Keshe we have started the journey for Peace not only for mankind but also for all souls present on this planet. This is the first time ever that mankind has committed themselves to Peace. How? - you ask. Simply by first signing themselves under the Peace treaty - which is available on the Keshe Foundation website. This is an amazing journey for all of us as we are elevating so many souls around the planet. I say souls, as we are not only touching humanity but also the planet, the animals and all souls. We are changing the course of all existence and this through applying this knowledge by individuals and through freely teaching and sharing. This is the change we have started, to share freely without withholding knowledge. You can find these achievements in our wishes and compare these with what you observe around the World - what is changing and what is in the course of change. The intent of these wishes is to elevate the hyperactive children, by giving freely from our souls to elevate them. One can find the deeper understanding of it, in our universal council charter. Vast majority worldwide have started working on a Peace platform and the first anniversary of the signing of the World Peace Treaty was a milestone for all and a new beginning. My wish, as a universal council member, is world peace."
- Carolina, Dutch Universal Council Member
"Mr. Keshe once said to me “Don’t look for Physical Outcome”. It took me a while to understand this. I am amazed how by stop trying so hard and allowing for our essence to flow. Life shows itself to us in its perfection. We can never slow down or make events go faster in the Universe. It works like a clock, we never gain anything, or lose anything. Three years ago, as much as I knew, and I thought I knew a lot, I was looking through a window that carries with it sadness, frustration and impatience, then, with Mr. Keshe’s teaching. I moved from that window to a window that sees the world as a tapestry that its beauty is unfolding, by days, minutes, and second. Now I don’t remember the last time I had been sad, frustrated or impatience, an interesting phenomenon is I no longer encounter sad, impatience, frustrated people either.
I remember in Rome Mr. Keshe told me I have so much expectation of my soul, Again I had no idea what he was talking about, Now I understand what he meant.
I have no expectation now. Interesting enough when I wish or ah for something, not like a demand but more like oh, like IT WOULD BE NICE IF THIS COULD HAPPEN, suddenly and unexpectedly it shows up at the right time.
When I said we never gain anything or lose anything, is like this: if you imagine a circle 5 meter diameter, and that circle is you, from the time you are born until you leave this planet, The content changes (our content never changes because it has been there in its perfection) or in a correct way you didn’t see the content in a correct way. If your 5-meter diameter had ugliness and now is all beauty. The ugliness wasn’t even there. It is all beauty, but you were looking at the wrong window, now you moved to the right window. The ugliness wasn’t real, this applies to our all people and to our planet, and everything in the universe, is all beauty, Our SOULS are beauty. Mr. Keshe is teaching us to see the beauty in Our Soul, to go back to who we really are. We created all the ugliness and we were all looking through a wrong window. Most importantly, as we all noticed from last year to this year when we celebrated our anniversary. We see all the world with more peace, love and compassion, because it has been there, and we just move the curtains and it is contagious too. The Love we carry within us is so bright and once it is turned on it engulfs everything. Now you understand when I said, “We never gain anything or lose anything.”.
The Universe is complete and perfect. Mr. Keshe is teaching us to see it and start noticing its perfection. And every day more and more people see the perfection in our planet, in ourselves and everything around us.
The world we are heading is that world that has been there with its beauty and miracles that flows with no mistake. We all will be shocked when we look back how we look at our 5-meter content that never changes, but we just see it the way it has always been.
- Azar, Farsi Universal Council Member
"On August 2, 2018 we celebrated the first anniversary of the signing of the World Peace Treaty.
We also celebrated on the same day the birthday of Mr. Keshe whom we will never thank enough for his dedication and his infallible love for humanity.
We had a very nice "marathon" to prepare a presentation to show the progress of the work of the Universal Council on their achievements. What I saw that day was a tremendous wave of preparation and consolidation of achievements. A beautiful synthesis was made thanks to a magnificent enthusiasm of the teams to allow us to answer present on behalf of our language communities.
What is certain is that the deployment of peace is launched for the entire planet. We have witnessed many concrete examples from around the world. We, the Universal Council, have learned and grown up with the teaching of Mr. Keshe, to serve our communities. Many initiatives are in place and others are in preparation.
Arabic community has a weak signal joining currently and she will be with us very soon!
The members of the Universal Council, with their unconditional love, with their Soul and commitment, are dedicated to serving and meeting the needs of the One Nation. The present world is a challenge and a beautiful challenge that nothing will stop us to serve Love, Happiness, Justice and the Life of the Planet and all living beings.
Please, JOIN us to build ALL together a better future for the Earth and for the Universe, a future which we have started!"
- Jamila, UC Arabic