Carbon-14: The pathway, the free engine, the free energy resource

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This article is part of the KF Plasma Times-10 April 2019

62 Knowledge Seekers Workshop
Plasmatimes10 c14.jpg
If we look and understand how mankind has taken a step and has gone through the process of creation, a lot of mysteries about the life of the man, operation of the life of the man, the soul of the man, operation of the soul of the man, operation of physicality of the man - all can be understood. All can be taken to the next step. What does this mean?

One of the fundamental problems, in the whole cycle of the understanding of the physiology of man, is the construction of the physicality of the man, and how everything has been based on one or two elements. The man has calculated everything else but these one or two elements. This is very much like we have missed half of the equation. We have missed half of the knowledge. We have missed part of it, which was really there, and we did not see. Or, we never understood that this is part of totality; this is part of what we have been missing. This is in essence part, which will bring us to understand it.

This Carbon-14, as the energy of the plasma, as the energy of the fields of the plasma, has never been understood, in clarity. Man has made, because of his presence, a lot of mistakes in this structure of the amino acid of the body of the man. It causes cancers and it cures cancers. It creates the destruction of the connection layers of the brain of the man; it leads to your age, your stroke; it leads to the understanding of the total work. It affects every operation of the physicality of the man. It affects every operation of the soul of the man. It affects every connection between the soul of the man and the soul of physicality. And most of the time the world of science has never considered, or never understood, what this means.

What can be created, what can be given, what can be added, what can be amalgamated from an understanding of the work of the Carbon-14?

One of the problems of it is that the scientific world has not managed to produce it - the way it works in the body of the man, in what we call as a GANS condition, as a plasmatic condition. It has a sequence, it repeats itself in different combinations, and because of its dynamism, and it has separation of the physicality from the neuro-system, man has always ignored it. If you look in the dimension of the work of nitrogen, we look to the work of Carbon-14, and we look into the operation of CH 3 . It has and should have given us a lot of clues because, with it, you will understand the work of the transmutation.

How transmutation becomes possible? It comes to the work of transportation across the Universe. It comes from the point of insulation and isolation of the fields of the Universe. It comes to understanding the totality and the relationship between different parts and structure of the physicality and the soul of the man. And in so many ways, it is the pathway of the soul of the man, to connect with the Universal Community, in the path of the line of communication.

When we spoke about the Carbon in CO 2 , when it is used for conductivity and connection in medical applications, or in other fields; Carbon-14 is the same but in the dimension with a connection with the soul of the man and physicality of the man. Is the pathway, the way, the wire, the string where the soul of the man leaves the physicality of the man. It is the connection, where you go a dream time. But it knows where to connect to. It happens through that. It has a fingerprint of the interaction of the soul. It has a fingerprint of the interaction and action of the Universe. And in so many different ways, we have to understand the work of Carbon- 14, Carbon at all - all together.

What is Carbon-14? We look at Carbon-14 in a plasmatic state, not in a matter state. But in so many ways, if we look at a Carbon -14, partially in the world of the science, the present science, they call it graphene. It behaves that way, on some occasions because it looks as to be the end, and at the same time, is the beginning of every nerve. One end of the neural system, where your nerves stop is the orientation of the Carbon-14, which creates the feedback. It is Carbon-14, which gives you the isolation at the point of amputation, and the release of energy, the phantom pain. And it is part of the whole structure of our existence in real life.

"Carbon-14, radiocarbon is a radioactive isotope of Carbon, with an atomic nucleus containing 6 protons and 8 neutrons. It is present in organic materials. On organic material is the basis of the radiocarbon dating method pioneered by William Libby and colleagues to date archaeological, geological and hydrogeological samples. Carbon-14 was discovered on February 27 th , 1940, by Martin Kamen and Sam Ruben at the University of California Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley, California. Its existence had been suggested by Franz Kurie in 1934.

There are three naturally occurring isotopes of Carbon on Earth: Carbon-12, which makes up 99% of all Carbon on Earth; Carbon-13, which makes up 1%, and Carbon-14, which occurs in trace amounts, making up about 1 or 1.5 atoms per 10 to the twelfth atoms of Carbon in the atmosphere. Carbon-12 and Carbon-13 are both stable, while Carbon-14 is unstable and has a half-life of 730 years plus or minus 40 years. Carbon-14 decays into Nitrogen-14 through beta decay. A gram of Carbon, containing one atom of Carbon-14 per 10 to the twelfth atoms will emit about 0.2 beta particles per second. The primary natural source of Carbon- 14 on Earth is cosmic ray action on Nitrogen in the atmosphere and is, therefore, a cosmogenic nuclide.

However, open-air nuclear testing between 1955-1980 contributed to this pool. The different isotopes of Carbon do not differ appreciably in their chemical properties. This resemblance is used in chemical and biological research, in the technique called Carbon labeling Carbon-14 atoms can be used to replace nonradioactive Carbon, in order to trace chemical and biochemical reactions involving Carbon atoms from any given organic compound." [1]

It says, "Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope of Carbon", and then it says, "Carbon-14 can be used to replace nonradioactive Carbon, in order to trace chemical and biological reactions involving Carbon atom for any organic compound." When you read it, it is explained that it decays to nitrogen, but all this is in a matter state.

In the condition of the plasma body of the man, and in the dimension of the Universe, what does ‘radioactive’ mean?

It means energetic, and the energetic dimension of this Carbon-14 is absolutely amazing because it is not being a beta decay, it is being dynamic, plasmatic fields, which travel continuously beyond the speed of light, on the matter state.

The reason for it is that neutrons are the source of energy because they want to decay to create stability. They split into a proton and an electron to create a stable condition for themselves. But, in the case of the Carbon-14, you have two neutrons, at the same time busy releasing, and in that when you have the double neutron -base, like this - it means that the matter state of it is within itself. It isolates itself.

It has a huge amount of energy to release, and that gives a very high dynamic center to its Carbon structure and to the other 6 protons and neutrons, and it literally, it catapults this material. A normal Carbon does not behave like this - a radioactive material, which means has a huge amount of energy. In a plasmatic condition has a huge, huge amount of energy, which in balance with having no electron to feed off, to split into, that it can create a balance of itself to become an atom - it creates “super bullet” out of Carbon-14, and that allows the man to travel the depth of a space.

If you can replicate it, it teaches a lot to those of us, who want to understand. Because of this higher-speed, it creates a line of transportation for the field matter states of it. Carbon-14 is a plasmatic-radioactive, not a matter state radioactive. It is a source of energy, which is so much like a virus; it sits around the nucleus of the Carbon. And because of that amount of energy it gives to it, it just makes a fireball out of the others. It is a free engine; it is a free energy resource for the structure.

And when you enter the dimension of the matter state, a lot of doctors make a mistake between it and nitrogen. It is the cause of many cancers, but it can be understood due to its weight. Compared to the other Carbon, it leads to the combination of matter state interactions. It is a massive ball of fire and this fire does not stop. Because the energy released by one neutron to go through - what we call splitting, to become nuclear decay - is automatically absorbed by the other neutron, and in that process, in the dynamic magnetic fields, part of the energy given to other protons and neutrons - they become active too.

If you understand aging by, what we call, Carbon-14 dating, it should give you a very clear understanding – it is the time when you stop the whole process. Then you can trace it, when and how it was stopped by itself or, in the process, it went through, a condition that it had to stop, because of lack of energy transfer.

Interesting enough, if we go to the next step and understand that you have Carbon and you have, in a way, a Tritium - two cells working together. Two cells working, in a way, like Helium, or in a way, as a Tritium, and sometimes due to their energy balance, they behave as just two neutrons.

What is the extension in how to understand how we age. How fast we age and why when we use the GANS plasma technology on the cell of the man, we see huge changes. Because we interfere with the line of field transfer energy. This is why our CH 3 GANS shows a lot of characteristics of Carbon-14. And if we understand it, we can fully utilize it.

When we take measurements on the decay of any material, we always make a mistake in the conversion of the energy of Carbon-14 with nitrogen. It is so common that because of it we have missed many, many parts of the whole structure of the understanding the body of the man works.

262 Knowledge Seekers Workshop