Seasons and Temperatures

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This article is part of the KF Plasma Times December 2018

by Keshe Foundation

The water is created by the interaction of the field of the Earth and the Sun and what they produce as they come together. Look at the creation of the Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, or Carbon which leads to the creation of amino acid. In respect to Earth, Hydrogen is created, closer to the Earth or further away from the Earth. But where is the Nitrogen created, closer to the Earth than Hydrogen or away from Hydrogen? And what is the light we see? It is the composition of leftover of the strength of the whole mix of Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen and the rest.

All the rays of the Sun which come to us are not from the interaction of the fields of just the Oxygen. Some are from Nitrogen, some are from other matters. It is a composite and it is in the ray form, it does not have gravity, it has only the attribute of magnetical which means it is one direction that the gravity of the Earth can attract it means giving to it. That is why sometimes as they say the light is a particle or is what we call ray.

When it is particle it has absorbed the or it has been attracted or interacted with a gravitational magnetic field of the Earth which is weaker and as the stronger feeds the weaker it passes through and in that condition you have a plasma which becomes with the interaction with the fields of the Earth the light, the fields which shows itself as light. If it is from the interaction of the balance of the field, you get rays. But because again it is of the higher order then it tries to feed the Earth as it comes. And in that process in most of the time is going through the atmosphere, it slows down and creates the matter condition in interaction with the inertia of the field of the Earth. And it converts.

The change of the temperature on the surface of the Earth as you go up in reduction is the clear understanding of the size of the plasma. Why are you colder when you are at higher altitude, but you are closer to the Sun? It should be warmer. Where does the heat go? Or is the heat and the temperature attributes of the fields which arrived to the planet Earth in interaction with the inertia of the planet, not with a gravitational-magnetic field of the plasma of the soul of the planet. Inertia has a space gap very short, the plasma of the soul of the planet what we call gravitational-magnetic from the center which is further out.

That is why you feel the temperature when you reach near the surface of the planet because now the fields which have traveled from space in interaction by the fields of the Earth and the Sun have to interact with the fields of the mass of the inertia matter state of the planet.

In the depth of the space, the gravitational-magnetic fields in the open spans of the universe hardly interact because it is open space, it can travel in any direction. It is not zero, but it has zero plasma temperature in respect to the universe. The temperature of the universe across the plasma of this universe is constant. Unless you have conditions of the interaction of the fields. It is very much what you call sea level is zero. The whole plasma of the universe is at a zero-level gravitational-magnetic field unless there is an interaction between the fields of different entities in a given position.

If you understand why it gets warmer as you come closer to the surface of the planet is to do with the gravitational-magnetic field of the mass of the inertia of the matter state of the planet and nothing else. And why you have seasons is totally in respect to that and nothing else. Because when you tilt a little bit away the gravitational magnetic field of the Earth has lower interaction. It is not what they say that we go further from the Sun.

Now totality is left to the inertia of the planet to interact with and it is not that much, it is the compression of the fields of the Sun which pushes in the gravity which allows the creation of the heat. That is why in the summer is hot because the inertia of the magnetical field can spread up even though the gravitational magnetic field, the interaction is at depth.

Understand the principle and the concept of the creation - that is why you have a temperature in your skin.

247th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, October 25th, 2018.