Portuguese Knowledge Seekers deliver Plasma Teachings in Brazil Health Conference

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This article is part of the KF Plasma Times January 2019


KF: What was the topic of the conference, how often is it held, what is the target audience?

CU: The topic of the conference was “Wound Prevention and Treatment Congress”. The audience was health professionals, doctors, and nurses, people specializing in treating chronic and multi-species wounds! This congress is held annually, and it has an international character.

KF: What was your role in the conference?

CU: My role at this conference was to take a new technique with a differentiated scientific character! The director M. B. invited me, to open the event for 3000 congressmen from all over Brazil and some speakers from outside Brazil!

“Dear Dr. (s) C… U…,
We are pleased to count on your participation in the scientific program of the 7th Brazilian Congress on Wound Prevention and Treatment, which will be held from October 31 to November 3, 2018, at the Convention Center of South America in Rio de Janeiro.
Below are the details of your participation in the following activity (s):
Date: 11/1/2018
Hours: 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Location: AUDITORIUM 1
As the director and organizers of the event mentioned “” It is necessary to establish new public policy goals guided by the intelligence apparatus of measures that produce real structural transformations decisive for the whole health system in order to become efficient and effective, through the implementation of some actions, generating significant results of quality of life for patients.

KF: Why did you choose to present Keshe Plasma Science and Technology?

CU: I was invited to talk about my work and what I work for! As I currently only work with Keshe Plasma Science and Technology, I could only talk about the subject and tell them that with this technology we work. With the Magnetic and gravitational fields and that to be aware of these fields we have to be "present" in the "here and now" and from that everything in the lives of people would be different, and that everything is related to these fields of energy!

KF: What was the reaction and feedback from the audience?

CU: The reaction was the best that a job could have, it was incredible, the general public liked it very much, the presentation had a wonderful repercussion and due to it we had an invitation to participate in health programs with the federal government and due to the success of the presentation I was invited to attend this event next year giving a course on Keshe Technology and also attending other events, we received an invitation to give free courses in some universities!

KF: What are your wishes for the future in relation to development in the Portuguese community?

CU: I believe that from our participation in this event, there was a great opening for technology and how it works, my sincere wish is that we can from now we work with all this possibility open to us here in Brazil and we can benefit more and more people with this technology Wonderful! I am very happy, we had a lot of work here and thanks to the Team of the Portuguese Language (Directed by Pedro and Rui) we were able to advance much with the technology in several places of Brazil where we now have a repository of the Portuguese language with translations and translated works! I also work in the health area in several places in Brazil, seeking to meet the largest number of people I can get along with this technology! Mr. Keshe, I just have to thank you for making this technology available. to the World, Gratitude !!!

C. U.

Portuguese Knowledge Seeker