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= Required equipment =

In this picture you can see all the equipment and already prepared materials you need for the assembly of the One Cup One Life and the production of the GANS Plasma Water. In the following you will find all materials and the necessary steps described in detail

OneCup OneLife - Prepared equipment.jpg
Gas burner, fire and tongs

Three connecting wires

Zinc plate, Nano-coated Copper coil and bare Copper coil

Tape and battery

Empty glass, tap water, table salt (without iodine) and scale

= Production of the bare Copper coil =

For the One Cup One Life, two coils are made from stranded copper wire. For one of them bare wire is used and for one of them Nano-coated wire. Approx. 30 cm of wire is needed per coil.

Preparation of the Copper stranded wire

Stranded wire is characterized by the fact that many small strands together form a wire. (See photo). You can find it in the hardware store, at an electrical store, or in an emergency at home in the power cable of the hairdryer, radio, television, coffee machine, etc. To do this, simply unplug the power cable from the outlet. Cut the entire electrical cord off of the appliance to use the whole cord.

Removing the plastic from the wire

Usually there are two or three wires in a power cable. The plastic outer sheath must first be removed. There are several ways to do this. (If you buy stranded wires separately, this step is not necessary)

Variant 1

One way to remove the outer sheath is to have the knife in one hand, place the cable on it and press it with your thumb carefully. With the other hand, as well as with the thumb you turn the cable and the knife cuts deeper and deeper into the plastic. Once you have reached the inner wires you can pull the separated plastic part from the inner wires. This is how you proceed step by step until the inner cables are exposed.

Variant 2

Another possibility is to place the cable on the table and hold it with one hand. Press the blade at a slight angle and with the other hand simply pull the cable backwards against the cutting direction. This way you take off a part of the plastic and can take the wires out.

Everyone has different approaches. With a little bit of trying you will find what way works best for you.

Stripping off the plastic around the strands

Now you have exposed 2 or 3 wires, which are also covered with plastic. For these wires it is best to use variant 2 to remove the plastic. Do the same as above, especially with the stranded wire, it might require some practice. Put the knife with the cutting edge back at a slight angle, with a little pressure on the plastic and pull the wire with the other hand underneath. If you hold the knife too steep, or press too hard, you might cut into the thin strands, if you hold it too loosely, you might slide up over the plastic and start again at the same place. Don't worry, a few cut-through strands are no problem. With some practice you will get better quickly. Remove the plastic completely.

Twisting together the individual strands of the wire

Hold one end of the wire strands in one hand and the other end in the other hand. With your fingers twist the strands together starting on one end and continue to twisting all the way to the other end. Make sure you are twisting the strands firmly together and have secured any fine strands that were cut short into the group.

Winding of the coil

To wind the coil, take a pencil, or something else round and hold it together with the end of the wire in one hand. With the other hand you wrap the wire completely around the cable. Now tighten both ends of the wire again so that it fits tightly and push the windings together. The coil is ready and can be taken off the pencil.

Creating of the Nano-coated coil

Nano-coating of the wire for the second coil

Before the wire is wound to the second coil, it must be Nano-coated. This requires a gas burner. You turn on the gas and ignite carefully. Hold one end of the wire with pliers. With your other hand you carefully hold the other end of the wire with your fingers. Starting with the side held by the pliers, you hold the wire in the fire until it glows. As the wire heats up it will begin to turn red so be careful the end of the wire can become hot. Move steadily down the wire to the other end. The whole wire becomes red-hot and turns black. Before it gets too hot at the other end of the hand, you stop and put the wire on something solid and let it cool down. The whole wire has to get black. To do this, you can repeat the process from one side to the other. Remember the wire must glow red even at the ends. Allow the wire to cool down then proceed to the next step.

Please never cut a Nano-coated wire!

Winding of the Nano-coated coil

The Nano-coated coil is winded on a pencil like the blank coil.= Preparing the Zinc plate =

Use only pure Zinc for the Zinc plate, or wire. Don’t use galvanized Iron, or chicken wire. You can get it in the hardware store, at the plumber, or in an emergency from the roof of a house, or from a battery. The cover of batteries is often made of Zinc, but this depends on which continent or country you live in. You can test the cover with a magnet. If the magnet sticks, it is not Zinc. This video shows how to remove a zinc cover from a battery. (Link)

When the Zinc plate is ready, it is bent at the top to hang it on the edge of the glass later.= Preparing three connection wires = For connecting the Zinc plate, blank coil and Nano-coated coil with a battery, 3 connection wires are needed. For these connections stranded wires or a single solid pure Copper wire can be used. Cut the wires in 30cm pieces. Strip off the plastic 2-5cm on each end of each wire. You will need one end of one wire to be stripped a little longer to connect the Zinc plate. 

Connecting the blank Copper coil and Zink plate

Connecting the blank Copper coil

To connect the bare Copper coil to the connecting wire, simply twist the ends of the wires together.

Connecting the Zinc plate

To connect the zinc plate with the connecting cable, use the longer stripped part of the connecting wire. Wrap it around the Zinc plate as shown on the pictures and twist the Copper wire firmly together.

Connecting the two connecting wires together

Twist the two wires at the other ends together.Creating the Copper bridge and connecting the Nano-coated Copper coil A Copper bridge is required to suspend the Nano-coated Copper coil in the middle of the glass. To do this, you bend a single strand of copper wire into a bridge, so that it fits on the glass as shown in the picture. Next, attach the end of the nano-coated copper coil to the middle of the bridge. The Nano-coated wire is simply wrapped around the bridge. One end of the third stripped wire is attached to one of the sides of the bridge.Placing the coils and Zinc on the cup The Nano-coated Copper coil is wound around the bridge and placed in the middle of the glass. The bare copper coil and the zinc plate are attached to the opposite edge of the glass, facing each other and facing inwards. The connecting wires all face one direction to be connected to the battery.Connecting the battery to the connection wiresCreating the 15% salt water mixture: Is 150 grams per 1 liter clean waterYou will see soon bubbles rising to the surface That is the starting process of your One Cup One Life that will form simultaneously your Amino Acid fatty looking layer on your surface. (From left to right: Nano-coated wire with bubbles, Amino Acids, GANS)Different cups One Cup One Life producing GANS