Hemoglobin GANS and the creation of life

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This article is part of the KF Plasma Times October 2018

by Keshe Foundation in collaboration with Plasma Laurentides

Jon B.: Are we able to elevate our soul and our RNA structure by consuming the waters of the CH3?

Mehran T. Keshe: How did you make it? You have not brought in the element of the soul of the physicality. You created the amino acid and I see you put that rusty nail here. And that rusty nail gave you what I call the color of the blood dripping from the nail.

Figure 1

How many of you ever collected this? Now you have collected the amino acid, the soul plasma of the amino acid of the DNA of the Man. This is the original DNA, position of it fixed to the body of the Man.

Jon B.: So, then the waters of the Hemoglobin would revert the body back to its original state?

Mehran T. Keshe: Have you considered a soul? All the teachings we said, every blood cell is taxi destination. And you go into the structure of the body of the man, the femur makes most of the red blood cells, which with it carries the totality of the Soul of the Physicality. Now [in the GANS capturing reactor] you have become the femur. Creating through same process the sugar - CH3 - what have you done? You nourish it. You give it the energy. You have a surplus hydrogen one needs to give to hemoglobin. You have the Zinc plate, you have the Copper plate and in that process what you have created partially to the interaction: Potassium and Calcium. And in the same process, if you understood, you have created the free plasma condition which can take any shape. Becomes the RNA to the whole lot. Those of you who think you can just use hemoglobin if you haven't created the soul for it, how do you expect it to work?

Do I need to load it with the fields of the copper to build up a torn tissue rapidly or do I need to feed it, extend it with the fields of the Zinc to improve psychological condition? The whole process of understanding creation of life has to be understood that you cannot just create physicality and dimension of DNA. We have to create the dimension of the transfer of the knowledge information that DNA through this dictate and interacts, not by itself.

It has no dimension to create that condition. It needs a soul. And then if your soul of the tip of your finger changes according to the soul of your totality then you can give the message. There should be no more war with this knowledge today. “ https://youtu.be/h1Gaz3iDWMU?t=1h44m43s


The setup additionally creates a free plasma in between the 2 plates – the free plasma is the soul. And the creation of the soul in the setup enables us to communicate from soul to soul.

  1. Rusty nail;
  2. Nanocoated Copper plate;
  3. Zinc plate;
  4. Condition of Neutron energy;
  5. CH3

In Figure 2 and Figure 3 you see the water container (blue). The pin is put always in different positions but now you’re positioning your pin (1) in the center. The zinc plate (3) and the nanocoated copper plate (2) are added to the system. You created the condition of neutron energy (4). Then you created the condition with a direct positioning of CH3 (5) Now you see the position with a continuous existence of the continuous existence of the amino acid.

Figure 2 - Top view. Figure 3 - Side view
You will see the formation of amino acids in the form of DNA, P (phosphor) will appear by itself as a Magrav field, if you get it right in positioning. All this you have as fields and they will, in their freedom, follow the process of interaction to create the soul.

This process is based on Zinc, the element that, when it is sufficiently inside the body, it satisfies and pacifies the emotional center. On the other hand – when Zinc is missing – aggressiveness and war result. The lack of sufficient Zinc in the totality of the structure on the planet Earth is a major problem that needs solution.

The free neutron created is linked to Zinc and it will interact with any soul – bringing balance, it satisfies the peacefulness.

Amino acids (C-O-H-N) with the participation of Iron and Cobalt create hemoglobin (for plants it is Iron with Magnesium). Hemoglobin, in the presence of Copper and Zinc, creates the physicality and emotion; the blood can now fuel the physicality as well as the emotion.

Everything together interacting with Calcium and Potassium builds the structure.

Figure 4.

In this table we show the main components of the human body, we see C-O-H-N with the oligo-elements (trace elements) Iron, Cobalt, Copper, Zinc, and Iodine. The Iodine is present when emotions are shown in the physical matter (brain).

Every change on the soul level will result in corresponding physical changes. By playing with elements we can make the earth a happy planet; just by choosing the good element.

239th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - August 30, 2018