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[https://youtu.be/hyKupjvYlpA?t=1h44m37s 218.014437] So when you see the new reactors, which was tested later on in Belgium, we added a cooling system, rotating tube, into a cooling tank. We had no more problem, because the problem was, that the vacuum condition would not allow. We used to get a matching of the fields and we had problems with it.  
[https://youtu.be/hyKupjvYlpA?t=1h44m37s 218.014437] So when you see the new reactors, which was tested later on in Belgium, we added a cooling system, rotating tube, into a cooling tank. We had no more problem, because the problem was, that the vacuum condition would not allow. We used to get a matching of the fields and we had problems with it.  
So you will see for example, we… in one test for example, we started with a 7 kg loading, we go to 6.5, 6.3, 6.1, by literally adding one milligram of gas. Now, if you look why it moves, this is what I was explaining to our team yesterday and I am sure they couldn’t understand two days ago, is, if you look at it here, there is a dome. The reason for it is, there’s a dome here too. So what we used to create, which, I’m sure our team will kick themselfes in a minute, is, we create the magnetic field flow. But with the interaction with this dome, which is fully nano coated; Armin has seen these people who were in Desenzano have seen this; this is fully nano coated, what I call deep nano coating, the fields had to break and created their own shield. And this is the problem our team have at the moment, which cannot break this. With the nano material coatin off, with this specific way, I created the dome, that this field broke and the two fields have to interact, you have a gravitational field landing direct???. If we can add one  milligram one, less than one milligram of gas and loose about 15% weight, then you see, ??? ??? left, with the military conditions, that we are looking for to develop.
So you will see for example, we… in one test for example, we started with a 7 kg loading, we go to 6.5, 6.3, 6.1, by literally adding one milligram of gas. Now, if you look why it moves, this is what I was explaining to our team yesterday and I am sure they couldn’t understand two days ago, is, if you look at it here, there is a dome. The reason for it is, there’s a dome here too. So what we used to create, which, I’m sure our team will kick themselfes in a minute, is, we create the magnetic field flow. But with the interaction with this dome, which is fully nano coated; Armin has seen these people who were in Desenzano have seen this; this is fully nano coated, what I call deep nano coating, the fields had to break and created their own shield. And this is the problem our team have at the moment, which cannot break this. With the nano material coatin off, with this specific way, I created the dome, that this field broke and the two fields have to interact, you have a gravitational field line in direct. If we can add one milligram one, less than one milligram of gas and loose about 15% weight, then you see, we achieve full lift, with the ability conditions, that we are looking for to develop.
[https://youtu.be/hyKupjvYlpA?t=1h44m37s 218.014634] But the next thing??? is, this is a dynamic field. What do you do in a rotor, in a gereator? You create a dynamic field and then you have a matters like copper, brushes or whatever, coils and you collect the energy.  
[https://youtu.be/hyKupjvYlpA?t=1h46m34s 218.014634] But the next step is, this is a dynamic field. What do you do in a rotor, in a generator? You create a dynamic field and then you have a matters like copper, brushes or whatever, coils and you collect the energy.  
This system is automatically a generator depends how you slow it down and one this become like a soul of the man and than, these become the emotions. It’s all the same, at this level here, you eradicate cancer. At this Level here, you eradicate Alzheimer. We have to understand this now, this is the body of the man.  
This system is automatically a generator. Depends how you slow it down and what. This become like a soul of the man and than, these become the emotions. It’s all the same, at this level here, you eradicate cancer. At this Level here, you eradicate Alzheimers. We have to understand this now, this is the body of the man.  
You have your chakras, it’s no different. I have replicated it, but you want… you don’t want to see this. It’s you problem not mine.
You have your chakras, it’s no different. I have replicated it, but you want… you don’t want to see this. It’s your problem not mine.
I know the secret of the creation in the universe. I am the beginning, I am the end and man is very lucky, to have on this time???. This shows a lot for mankind, that we spent so much time here, to get it right.
I know the secret of the creation in the universe. '''I am the beginning, I am the end''' and man is very lucky, to have this time. These shows our love for mankind, that we spent so much time here, to get it right.
Everything is written in the language, that I can understand. Iranians could not, Russians have developed it. Been a further condition.
Everything is written in the language, that man can understand. Iranians could not, the Russians have developed it in a further condition.
When you go down, when you create left, how many kilometers of walls do you want to make between Mexico and the united state; what a shape? That’s what I tell you. American scientists have no clue. They are very much as we say, ???fur coats no knickes in English. That means they think they are wearing a fur coat, but they have nothing underneath as ??? egg wjocj os rotten.  
When you go down, when you create lift, how many kilometers of walls do you want to make between Mexico and the united state; what a shape? That’s what I tell you. American scientists have no clue. They are very much as we say, '''fur coats no knickers''' in English. Which means they think they are wearing a fur coat, but they have nothing underneath. There is a whole was a egg which is rot.  
No its time to change. Carry on, read the rest of it please.
No its time to change. Carry on, read the rest of it please.
[https://youtu.be/hyKupjvYlpA?t=1h49m3s 218.014903] If we change the same thing as a GANS, you have the same position. But now in start creating have needing those nuclear materials in the reactor, you have brought in the condition of the GANS condition. It’s the same. But there is of a bigger, spectrum, higher spectrum strength. With GANS we have a bigger spectrum, but much open. You have to squeeze it, to get it moving to open up. It’s very much like, you know, you have a plastic bag and you put so much in it and you squeeze it and suddenly erupts. You need to do that with it and it opens up. And then it creates ignition and you will do the same thing. I explained this those of you, who complained that you lost some balls or whatever, you reach this point, but never understood. Armen has been unawared of flying so many times and he just let it go. I don’t say anything because I’m a monitor. I’ve done, delivered, made a copy. So other teams are reaching the same point. You will see, when we release this reactor, what you see. In reality you will see it here. On Saturday,  Sunday next week, we bringt the Iranian nuclear reactor videos test in Bruxelles. I find the Iranian government and sincerely thank his office of his excellency mr. ???Arabic Name???, later allowing this reactor to you come out of Iran. No nation does this unless it’s a peaceful nation. You will see it, you will see the full operate test reactor, the test, that these are test reactors made. You see them on the floor. Now you will see them operational. Just 2009, after I came from Iran, we carried with the test. Belgiums, Europeans, Americans were watching it, but that??? did the permission doesn’t really count. And every time they saw us close, they planned the next murder. They thought they can steel it, but never understood. The key wasn’t there. The key was somewhere else. This patent is a total total patent for any space.  
[https://youtu.be/hyKupjvYlpA?t=1h49m3s 218.014903] If we change the same thing as a GANS, you have the same position. But now in ???stop creating have needing those nuclear materials in the reactor, you have brought in the condition of the GANS condition. It’s the same. But there is of a bigger, spectrum, higher spectrum less??? strength. With GANS we have a bigger spectrum, but much open. You have to squeeze it, to get it moving to open up. It’s very much like, you know, you have a plastic bag and you put so much in it and you squeeze it and suddenly erupts. You need to do that with it and it opens up. And then it creates ignition and you will do the same thing. I explained this those of you, who complained that you lost some balls or whatever, you reach this point, but never understood. Armin has been unawared of flying so he just let it go. I don’t say anything because I’m a monitor. I’ve done, delivered, made a copy. So other teams will reaching the same point. You will see, when we release this reactor, what you see. In reality you will see it here. On Saturday,  Sunday next week, we bringt the Iranian nuclear reactor videos test in Bruxelles. I find the Iranian government and sincerely thank his office of his excellency mr. ???Arabic Name???, later allowing this reactor to you come out of Iran. No nation does this unless it’s a peaceful nation. You will see it, you will see the full operate test reactor, the test, that these are test reactors made. You see them on the floor. Now you will see them operational. Just 2009, after I came from Iran, we carried with the test. Belgiums, Europeans, Americans were watching it, but that??? did the permission doesn’t really count. And every time they saw us close, they planned the next murder. They thought they can steel it, but never understood. The key wasn’t there. The key was somewhere else. This patent is a total total patent for any space.  
[https://youtu.be/hyKupjvYlpA?t=1h51m21s 218.015121] When you go to deeper space, you will see these kind of reactors very simply, because is used for creation of matter. These kind of physical reactors, with then is fixed that matter in that condition will be mixed?  
[https://youtu.be/hyKupjvYlpA?t=1h51m21s 218.015121] When you go to deeper space, you will see these kind of reactors very simply, because is used for creation of matter. These kind of physical reactors, with then is fixed that matter in that condition will be mixed?  

Revision as of 21:46, 11 April 2018

On this page all information will be successively entered, which will be taught especially from 14.04.2018 "Day of the MOZHAN", spaceship construction plan by Mr Keshe.

Gravitational and energie system - EP1770717 (A1) / WO2008113392 (A1)

Short description

The new method and technology is described to create - under centrifugal and vacuum conditions - in presence of ionization condition - a turbulence, rotation, compressive and heating of a gaseous matter is created in a reactor by at least one central rotative magnetic field with the purpose of creating plasmatic conditions leading to the creation various magnetic fields where at least the interaction of two magnetic field would lead to the creation of at least one gravitational force phenomena.

In a reactor-embodiment a chain of energetic events is created via a rotative magnetic initiation of a basic ionization of a gas (i.e. hydrogen) which then triggers a controllable chain of energy transfers (Scintillation) to the next following layer(s) of introduced gasses (i.e. He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe), of all other introduced elements of the periodic table (i.e. Li, Be, K, Ca, Ti, ... Pt, etc.) and/or their introduced molecule combinations (i.e. a vapor). A central colums has magnetic means to start the process.

Various concepts, applications and products are disclosed, such as space travel and atomic welding.

KSW 218 Text passages and information

218.013334 "This is important, because behind this, there is a Nanopatent. There is an application for Nano materials, that, if you bring it and place the knowledge from the wording, into this patent; the spacetechnologie unravels. There is a Nano patent. It was given in the key to the worldleaders. If you take part of that Nano technology patent and bringt it here and change the names and the elements, you will find the key to the universal travel."[1]

218.013450 If you look into the structure inside the core... This is a copy, based on the Iranian nuclear reactor, which is used by the Russians for their new weapons technology, but it is made in a different understanding. These ae not coils, but in many ways, magnetic field flows and we will show the Iranian, nuclear-based, reactor, with the permission of president Ahmadinedschad und Ajatollah Sejjed Ali Khamenei of Iran, when I was in Iran. I asked, if it can be released next week (14.04.18 Day of MOHZAN) for presentation, where you can see the weight reduction, of the system, from 7 kg to 6.1 kg, what was tested for military defense technology at that time. We will this time, not release more than that, but this is very significant; a weight reduction of 15% by adding a few milligrams of gases, for those, who understand it.These videos of these test, done in Bruxelles/Belgium, will be released next week. You will see Iranian nuclear reaktors operational. These have a soft radiation, they are not wappon technology grade. And the strange thing is, that the Belgium securities and national securities, were monitoring all the tests. And strange enough, I found a video. Yesterday. I was looking at it, that the guy from the Belgium, who's hand is damaged, is very activly with the good hand, is videoing it. It's very, very strange. They gave us a secure place, where we could test and they could watch everything, what they wanted to watch. And this Iranian space reactor, which is exactly 10 years old now, will be shown in public. You see the weight reductions by changeing very very micrograms of gases, where the plasma takes over. Space Reaktors, nuclear materials, nuclear technology, in a soft radiation, is very very powerfull, but to create a dimensional effect, a skin is not that easy, but with the GANS systems you have that, because you can create different condition of the strengh of GANS. And its a save way. You will see it next week. It creates the essencial winds, but in a save way, that everyone can use it. Oh, this brings back many memories, go and read it.

218.013740 (RK) Patent EP1770717 (A1), registered on 2007-04-04, Gravitational and energy system

The new method and technology is described to create - under centrifugal and vacuum conditions - in presence of ionization condition - a turbulence, rotation, compressive and heating of a gaseous matter is created in a reactor by at least one central rotative magnetic field with the purpose of creating plasmatic conditions leading to the creation various magnetic fields where at least the interaction of two magnetic field would lead to the creation of at least one gravitational force phenomena.

218.013852 (MK) Just one Second, we can go through it step by step. If you now change that to GANSes, which create, if its perfectly, if you change it to two different Nano materials, which are in a way releasing plasmatic fields,… if its perfectly. Know you understand, if you bring the other patent here, you will understand the work is the same.

(RK) Now you said, to put in a GANS matter versus gaseous matter

(MK) Yes, exactly.

(RK) Would be the GANS matter, without the water, would it not?

(MK) We have shown the trick, how you do it without water, or with water. We are still in a plasma condition. If you remember, the water we drink, in the minute it enters the body of the man, it becomes a GANS state, plasmatic State.

(RK) Can we get the strength of the fields, that we need, to be able to get a gravitational effect? ??? Still with the GANS Water?

(MK) Yes, you will see it. Yes you can do but you don’t need a GANS. There’s a new technique I teach, because… one team is in that way going. I disclosed with them yesterday, I have explained this. The problem is you have somebody sitting in this platform, who knows all of it and he can’t put it together but he's been taught all of it. Armin knows exactly what I know. I have told this man. He just got and put it together and get. There’s a condition, you don’t need any… Let me explain to you, because we are going to the space level. Can I share one second and we can come back in again?

Iranian reactor explanation by Mr. Keshe. Source: 218.014200

218.014200 What we have done is, that we created a dome condition (1) . The Iranian nuclear reactor for space technology, is like this. You have to understand, there have been a lot of concepts at that time working, where we have a second (dome) (2). We don’t have the rotation thing you see, that is, we went in different directions, because that’s how is it is. We placed a number of radioactive materials (3). Both on this dome inside and on the floor of it. We vacuumed the condition and we introduced gases (4) into two directions, in two ways, into the cylinder. One comes here and one feeds into here. We have a condition of how a motor (5) running inside. So is a total self contained. The gases(6) here… Hydrogen was placed at a high level, that as was needed, became a fuel tank. We rotate this section (2), this way (7), but this one (1) is solid, is stays.

Iranian reactor explanation by Mr. Keshe. 2. Source

218.014324 So the field inside here (8a)  is different rotating, than the field which is created here (9b) (I have to choose the right figures, that you can see.), whith the condition here. So this way, we created the two fields. One is this one (9b) and one is this one (8b). So the two fields are created. So now, you have the platform, which is the earth (10), gravitational magnetic field. By speed of rotation and change of the gas, in any chambers, we could dictate left or landing (10). You will see the Iranian developed space reactor. And what we had, was that, at the moment at that time, we didn’t understand part of the mechanical part of this business, which the motor here (11), needed a cooling.

218.014437 So when you see the new reactors, which was tested later on in Belgium, we added a cooling system, rotating tube, into a cooling tank. We had no more problem, because the problem was, that the vacuum condition would not allow. We used to get a matching of the fields and we had problems with it.

So you will see for example, we… in one test for example, we started with a 7 kg loading, we go to 6.5, 6.3, 6.1, by literally adding one milligram of gas. Now, if you look why it moves, this is what I was explaining to our team yesterday and I am sure they couldn’t understand two days ago, is, if you look at it here, there is a dome. The reason for it is, there’s a dome here too. So what we used to create, which, I’m sure our team will kick themselfes in a minute, is, we create the magnetic field flow. But with the interaction with this dome, which is fully nano coated; Armin has seen these people who were in Desenzano have seen this; this is fully nano coated, what I call deep nano coating, the fields had to break and created their own shield. And this is the problem our team have at the moment, which cannot break this. With the nano material coatin off, with this specific way, I created the dome, that this field broke and the two fields have to interact, you have a gravitational field line in direct. If we can add one milligram one, less than one milligram of gas and loose about 15% weight, then you see, we achieve full lift, with the ability conditions, that we are looking for to develop.

218.014634 But the next step is, this is a dynamic field. What do you do in a rotor, in a generator? You create a dynamic field and then you have a matters like copper, brushes or whatever, coils and you collect the energy.

This system is automatically a generator. Depends how you slow it down and what. This become like a soul of the man and than, these become the emotions. It’s all the same, at this level here, you eradicate cancer. At this Level here, you eradicate Alzheimers. We have to understand this now, this is the body of the man.

You have your chakras, it’s no different. I have replicated it, but you want… you don’t want to see this. It’s your problem not mine.

I know the secret of the creation in the universe. I am the beginning, I am the end and man is very lucky, to have this time. These shows our love for mankind, that we spent so much time here, to get it right.

Everything is written in the language, that man can understand. Iranians could not, the Russians have developed it in a further condition.

When you go down, when you create lift, how many kilometers of walls do you want to make between Mexico and the united state; what a shape? That’s what I tell you. American scientists have no clue. They are very much as we say, fur coats no knickers in English. Which means they think they are wearing a fur coat, but they have nothing underneath. There is a whole was a egg which is rot.

No its time to change. Carry on, read the rest of it please.

218.014903 If we change the same thing as a GANS, you have the same position. But now in start creating have needing those nuclear materials in the reactor, you have brought in the condition of the GANS condition. It’s the same. But there is of a bigger, spectrum, higher spectrum strength. With GANS we have a bigger spectrum, but much open. You have to squeeze it, to get it moving to open up. It’s very much like, you know, you have a plastic bag and you put so much in it and you squeeze it and suddenly erupts. You need to do that with it and it opens up. And then it creates ignition and you will do the same thing. I explained this those of you, who complained that you lost some balls or whatever, you reach this point, but never understood. Armen has been unawared of flying so many times and he just let it go. I don’t say anything because I’m a monitor. I’ve done, delivered, made a copy. So other teams are reaching the same point. You will see, when we release this reactor, what you see. In reality you will see it here. On Saturday,  Sunday next week, we bringt the Iranian nuclear reactor videos test in Bruxelles. I find the Iranian government and sincerely thank his office of his excellency mr. ???Arabic Name???, later allowing this reactor to you come out of Iran. No nation does this unless it’s a peaceful nation. You will see it, you will see the full operate test reactor, the test, that these are test reactors made. You see them on the floor. Now you will see them operational. Just 2009, after I came from Iran, we carried with the test. Belgiums, Europeans, Americans were watching it, but that??? did the permission doesn’t really count. And every time they saw us close, they planned the next murder. They thought they can steel it, but never understood. The key wasn’t there. The key was somewhere else. This patent is a total total patent for any space.

218.015121 When you go to deeper space, you will see these kind of reactors very simply, because is used for creation of matter. These kind of physical reactors, with then is fixed that matter in that condition will be mixed?

Our scientific team will show you, how they be making materials in the same way. These are research centers owned and run by the Keshe Foundation. None of you contributes a penny to the foundation. You come and take, but we are spend everything we have, on developing new technologies. All of you will come and in a way, you become thieve of the night. Just take and do something never put back, where I see much of it. I don’t say much, but I want to see, how many of you ever passed the point. You don’t even share with nobody else. We have a situation now in Austria and we see it in Germany. They came and they stole from everybody else and now they are begging for the bread, but they were making tens of thousands a week out of the foundation. They didn’t even give it to the Germans, who could need it to save. Learn with this technologie. If you don’t share, you are taking away from you. Because you are taking from the totality and you cannot do. Carry on please.

218.015250 (RK) So we are at the the interaction of two magnetic field whichlead to the creation of at least one gravitational force phenomena.

In a reactor-embodiment a chain of energetic events, is created via a rotative magnetic initiation of a basic ionization of a gas (i.e. hydrogen) which then triggers a controllable chain of energy transfers (Scintillation) to the next following layer(s) of introduced gasses (i.e. He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe),

218.015333 (MT) Ok. Now just change this GANSES, according to the mass to Hydrogen, Deuterium and Tritium. You get the exactly the same. You get the interaction of the fields, which due to the atomic strength mass, create different condition. One is slower, one is faster and the interaction between the three fields??? is Gravitational and Magnetical at the same time, in the same Plasma, in the same GANS energy. But there is something, which most of you have not followed and I was explaining to our people. You put in your GANS reactors, where you put you GANSes, an empty ball, hollow ball. You always fit the reactors and go back to all the teachings, I referred to, even to the research groups. Put an empty ball in. What’s gonna happen? I’m gonna to take from you again. So I’m gonna share for you to understand, if you can add and how you know, how we can go half and half. There we can compare these two.

 Now you understand the picture you just had.

Direct links for downloading the patents gravitational and energie system in PDF format:

EP1770717 (A1) ― 2007-04-04 Gravitational and energy system https://worldwide.espacenet.com/data/espacenetDocument.pdf?ND=4&flavour=trueFull&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20070404&CC=EP&NR=1770717A1&KC=A1&popup=true

WO2008113392 (A1) ― 2008-09-25 GRAVITATIONAL AND ENERGY SYSTEM https://worldwide.espacenet.com/data/espacenetDocument.pdf?ND=4&flavour=trueFull&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20080925&CC=WO&NR=2008113392A1&KC=A1&popup=true

Patents of Mehran Tavakoli Keshe:

Espacenet Patent Search - Patents of scientist Mehran Tavakoli Keshe https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?DB=&ST=singleline&bcId=1&locale=en_EP&page=0&query=mehran+tavakoli+keshe&return=true

Direct links to download patents in PDF format:

EP1770715 (A1) ― 2007-04-04 Micro plasma reactor https://worldwide.espacenet.com/data/espacenetDocument.pdf?ND=4&flavour=trueFull&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20070404&CC=EP&NR=1770715A1&KC=A1&popup=true

EP1770717 (A1) ― 2007-04-04 Gravitational and energy system https://worldwide.espacenet.com/data/espacenetDocument.pdf?ND=4&flavour=trueFull&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20070404&CC=EP&NR=1770717A1&KC=A1&popup=true

WO2008113393 (A2) ― 2008-09-25 MICRO PLASMA REACTOR https://worldwide.espacenet.com/data/espacenetDocument.pdf?ND=4&flavour=trueFull&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20080925&CC=WO&NR=2008113393A2&KC=A2&popup=true

WO2008113392 (A1) ― 2008-09-25 GRAVITATIONAL AND ENERGY SYSTEM https://worldwide.espacenet.com/data/espacenetDocument.pdf?ND=4&flavour=trueFull&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20080925&CC=WO&NR=2008113392A1&KC=A1&popup=true

Mr. Keshe, talking about the patents in 218th Knowledge Seeker Workshop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyKupjvYlpA#t=1h32m20s

  1. M.T. Keshe. (2018, April 4). 218th Knowledge Seekers Workshop from the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/hyKupjvYlpA?t=1h33m34s