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KF Poland: A beautiful journey of knowledge exchange

by the teachers of the Keshe Foundation Poland


The Keshe Foundation Poland was informally established by Paweł and Marcin in December/January of 2015/2016. Since then the team has grown and now includes three teachers and tens of private students. Based on the momentum of publicity about Ing. Mehran Keshe's teachings and the simultaneous release of the Magrav blueprint for humanity, a group of people looking for confirmation of the veracity of their thinking and implementation of this device, very quickly gathered together. Initially, the exchange of views and presentation of the different implementations and understandings of the blueprint started amongst the group of 15 Knowledge Seekers via the Google Hangouts platform. After some time, thanks to the Keshe Foundation, we discovered the Zoom platform, which has broadened our presentation and educational abilities. At the same time, we started inviting some wonderful people from the circles of the Keshe Foundation, who in a beautiful and open way presented their understanding and showed that this knowledge is known and recognized internationally amongst different cultures.

Thanks to the support of many Knowledge Seekers, we understood that behind the Magrav unit sits a very deep understanding of the creation and transmutation of fields, and hence the first Magravs from leaves and roots were assembled. This understanding and the open sharing of knowledge by the Foundation highlighted the lack and the need for translations, so that the physicality of those who do not understand English could enjoy the beauty of such wonderful knowledge. As a result, we started to work on forming a group of translators and correctors. This group of 6-10 people continues to work work with great dedication and concern for others, by regularly releasing translations and transcriptions which support our weekly teachings, website and other areas. Thanks to the openness of the Foundation and its support on many levels, we reached a point where we found strength and courage to become a part of its educational team. This was somehow a result of the open invitation issued by the KF to all those who wanted to become a part of it, during one of the Knowledge Seekers Workshops. Since then a beautiful journey of knowledge exchange started via the Zoom platform provided by the KF, for which we are extremely grateful.

The team is focused on a number of initiatives to facilitate free sharing of the Plasma Science, some of which are presented in this article. At the core sit both online and face-to-face teachings backed up by online presence through our website and Facebook pages. Our mission is to spread the knowledge unconditionally and help others gain easy access to the original educational materials through the effort of translations, video transcriptions and provision of a website. We are very pleased and honored to be part of the Keshe Foundation family in the great mission of bringing Peace to this planet and taking man into the space.


The team of students, teachers and other Knowledge Seekers meets twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays at 21:00 CET, in the public teachings (zoom id: 756-427-144). Teachings typically last 2 hours and discussions are mostly based around the translation of fragments of the recent Knowledge Seekers Workshops by Mr Keshe. Recordings of these sessions are typically available on the following day through the official KFSSI channel on Youtube under the Public Teachings in Polish – Nauki publiczne w języku polskim playlist. Translated material that is a subject of each teaching, is also made available through the KFSSI Polska Youtube channel which contains a number of playlists.

Private teaching take place on Mondays, 21:00 CET on zoom id 949-559-976. In these sessions we follow the same style of teaching, by firstly presenting a subtitled part of a selected private teaching by Mr. Keshe and then discussing fragments of the teaching. Recordings of these meetings are available online to the registered students through the Keshe Foundation education portal.

Affiliated group of experienced Knowledge Seekers runs regular public meetings during which Knowledge Seekers provide testimonials, exchange ideas and experiences. If you struggle to understand some basic concepts or need practical advice on how to nano-coat various materials or produce certain GANSes or plasma devices, Technologia Plazmowa meets every Friday at 22:00 CET (zoom id: 933-933-9399).

Plasma Consultation sessions are also available on demand to the public - after sending an expression of interest to uc.polish@theuniversalcouncil.org. These sessions run every Wednesday between 21:00-23:00 CET (zoom id: 971-575-7040).

Teachers of the Polish group also collaborate in the private and public teachings in English.

Workshops and Conferences

The first Polish conference on Keshe’s Plasma Technology took place in April 2017 in Skaryszew, Poland. Attended by over 140 participants this event attracted substantial attention and was very well received. Organized in-line with the ethos of the KF family, the 3-day participation in the conference was fairly inexpensive (around 40 euros in total). Each participant received singing and round magnets, small amounts of CO2, CuO and CH3 GANSes and promotional materials (cup, pen, stickers) in their participant’s pack. All income generated through this event (nearly 2000 euros) was transferred to the Keshe Foundation to support the development of the research Centre in Ghana. During these 3 days Keshe Foundation students and teachers gave talks and presentations on various topics related to the Plasma Technology. Plasma coil units and other plasma devices were available free of charge for conference participants to use across all three days. On the last day participants were presented with a freshly released, subtitled video of the Cancer solution in exchange for peace, which received a lot of interest. Some recordings from the conference are available online on the KFSSI Polska Youtube channel.

Public engagement activities in Poland continue in the form of face-to-face workshops. To date, the team of accredited teachers successfully run two workshops - both took place in 2018 in Gdynia, Poland. We appreciate that for many people this technology remains a mystery as it is silenced by the national media. Therefore, it is crucial to reach out to people and teach them the very basics of the Plasma Science. Nano-coating, GANS production and practical applications of this technology were at the core of both workshops. Detailed presentation of their programmed took place in the 46th One Nation One Planet One Race for World Peace. All thought in the atmosphere of correct ethos, emphasizing the role of emotions and intentions in this technology. The family of Knowledge Seekers is growing faster than ever!

Blueprint for peace

The blueprint for peace for humanity was a turning point for the whole of the humanity. During that month of everyday teachings, we all went deeper in the field strength towards the direction of our Soul and the Soul of the planet Earth. A new understanding, huge amount of knowledge and a tremendous effort to unite the entire planet opened the gates of Peace. We felt that not a single Polish speaking person should miss out on this opportunity and throughout the month of July, on daily basis without missing a single day, the team of Knowledge Seekers presented summaries of AM and PM teachings and subtitled portions of their recordings. The blueprint month finished with the signing of the World Peace Treaty. Countless number of invitations for this event were sent to the Polish president and prime minister. Soon after the blueprint was over, the Earth Council released The Constitution of the Blue Planet Earth now available in many different languages, including Polish. This month we celebrate the first anniversary of the signing of the World Peace Treaty by all the languages of the planet Earth. The collective first steps to reach out to the Universal Community were made exactly 1 year ago and we can observe huge changes around us. The amount of violence and new conflicts dropped down significantly, and many world leaders realized the power of this technology and the benefits of Peace.

Social media

Keshe Foundation Poland is present on social media mainly through the Facebook platform. The official Keshe Foundation page for this language is called the Keshe Fundacja Polska (KF Polish official). By joining this group you will get the latest updates in the areas of teachings, workshops and YouTube recordings, as well the ability to participate in discussions and to add to the knowledge.


The health team in Poland now has one medical doctor and one naturopath with further doctors’ applications pending. Doctors who need supplies of various GANSes, but lack time or expertise to produce them, are supplied by the students. One of the private students has even donated a Plasma Coil Unit for the doctor to use in their practice. Medical research continues in different directions, outcomes of which will soon be presented in the KF Plasma Scientific Journal.


Last year was plentiful in many events related to plasma technology, which positioned us and focused our efforts on several new strands of work. Nevertheless, the perspective of using plasma technology in agriculture was not pushed aside completely. In 2017, many people throughout the country spilled plasma water into water tanks, rivers, ponds and lakes, which certainly influenced not only the nearby crops but also the entire environment. There were also some interesting experiments and observations, the first of which is a cherry tree which, due to the late frosts, completely dropped its flowers. After spraying the plant and thorough watering of its root system with CO2 plasma water, the tree blossomed again and consequently gave fruits. Pictures of this tree are available here.

At the same time, due to frost, damage was made to a blackcurrant plantation. The owner of the field stated that due to its age the whole plantation was suitable for liquidation. Containers with plasma water were dug into the ground in the field. However, this action was taken too late for the currant to bloom again. As it turned out, at the end of the season the owner of the plantation stated that the plants are strong and healthy enough to keep growing for several consecutive seasons. In 2018, the currant bloomed beautifully and gave a large yield. However, due to the low cost of fruit purchase and low profitability of the harvest, the fruits were not picked up. Currently, farmers strike in Poland due to the low profitability of soft fruit harvest.

Another example was the cultivation of maize on one of the fields in the Lublin region. One farmer dug 7 bottles of liquid plasma into one of his fields (6 in a circle and one centrally in the middle) on a growing corn plantation. After a few weeks, the corn inside the circle was about 20 cm lower than the remaining part of the plantation, but by the time of harvest it levelled in height to the rest of the sown maize. Interestingly, just before the harvest, a herd of wild boars entered the field trampling and eating all the crops. However, inside the area where the bottles with liquid plasma were dug in and about 10 m around it, the corn remained untouched. Does this sound familiar? This is somewhat reminiscent of the plasma bubble around Tom Salas’ garden in Dominican Republic.

Arrangements are made for next year to use the plasma technology for the cultivation of hemp plants. A report from this initiative will be made next year.


A few months after the Magrav blueprint, in a small but open circle, we came to an understanding, that emotions and its functioning is an amazing educational and creative tool, so we started to work with it, carrying out a number of interesting experiments. Our openness in sharing with each other without hiding anything, every element of the new understanding, led us to the position in which we started to work with non-tangible reactors. This allowed us to touch on - in the way not yet understood by us entirely - new, different capabilities that are fully explained in a scientific and logical way through the work of magnetic plasma fields. This in turn allowed us to observe the next stages of the development of the structure of emotions and building confidence in ourselves, by ourselves - what we later called the banking process. Thanks to this process of increasing the plasmatic current and the simultaneous development of knowledge by the greatest teacher of all time – Mehran T. Keshe; we started to work with others, educating each other both in physicality as well as in the dimension of the fields, heading more towards the understanding of the working of the fields. This experiment showed us that knowledge/understanding is a field strength of emotions and in its propagation factors such as time and space do not matter. Thanks to this understanding, in May this year, we decided to start a new project, which we called the School of Emotions. In this school, we learn from each other different relations between the fields by discovering and differentiating between the work of different non-tangible reactors. This is done non-verbally through the system of non-tangible, spinning star formations. This project aims to recognize and gain a greater understanding of the creation by working through the dimensions of our miraculous bodies and its dimension of the magnetic field strength. The project is completely free, open to everyone with meetings taking place biweekly, on Tuesdays and Fridays at 22:00 CET on the Zoom platform (zoom id: 834-224-6046).

Future initiatives

The unconditional serving continues in the aforementioned areas and flowers in other, such as the keshe Foundation wiki. The translation of the wiki into Polish started recently and volunteers to help in this and other efforts are always more than welcomed. Whether you are familiar with the English language or not we could use any help in many different areas, including but not limited to graphics design, proofreading, social medial posting, etc. You can reach us either through the Universal Council representative’s email uc.polish@theuniversalcouncil.org. Further workshops and conferences are also being planned and organized, with the next workshop taking place on Saturday 8th of September - venue to be decided.