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Space-travelling starts in our own soul

153.004745 We explained that the soul of the man is the center of the man and the essence of his creation and the essence of his existence on this planet. 154.011701 The spaceship moves through the strength of your soul.

151 024000 It is you who has to understand the strength of your soul. It is the limitation we put and the way we understand the putting of the limitation is for us to decide how to feel safe within it. The doors of understanding allow the doors of ignorance to open up and it’s the way we see colors and we separate each other by color and shape. Now if you open your eyes and understand this we will see the creatures of the universe.

152.020000 K: In flying or moving across the universal span it is again the understanding of the gravitational magnetic field strength of the position, and what and how it is compared to what you are.

152.011935 K: every position in the soul has a control for the strength of the physicality. If you understand this and you can operate within it, would the life have a time difference? Or the physical life of the manifestation of the planet has a time in it and if you free your soul you travel the planet as the soul of the man from earth, and the man says wherever I lay my head is my home. My head carries my soul so it is home. If you understand this teaching of today, you will reach the maturity of the universe. And for those that this is just a ‘talk’ you have a long way to go to understand your own creation and interaction of your physical by the manifestation in respect to others. Understand that this physical manifestation itself has limitations with the fields of your soul, which is the universe. Would you like to talk to Mars or would you like to be on planet Zeus to see a beautiful soul? 154.003900 ...and you can ask the soul or put across to the soul this is how it looks here and I want to have 14 arms and 20 legs. I am happy to be here and I don’t put too much pressure on my emotion that puts pressure on the soul.

152.012144 K: Try to understand the structure of your soul and then the doors of the universe are open. The limitation of the man to open and reach the spans of the universe is the limitation of his physicality and his heartbeat. Many times I have explained this. Within your soul you have the structure, which is field connected through your emotion to your physicality. And this is a very, very small part. The rest is what the soul does to put you in the position of what you need and what it needs to BE.

162.001356 K: As we have said before, for us to be satisfied and to be able to live in deep space we have to come to more understanding what the conditions are. Here on earth we are used to limited changes and the parameters of the changes are within what we have. What this means is that we have come to understand to work with slight temperature and pressure changes. If the pressures and temperatures are slightly different from what we are used to we find out that we cannot cope and we go through conversion of energy that our bodies are not able to accommodate. It is not planned for or set out for our bodies to do this. It is important that we understand this.

151.024400 The interaction of the physicality with the soul of the man will create a dimension and openness that will see the universe. Man does not need to travel the depth of the universe as he is part of it; he is within it. And this is very hard for the man to understand it. The reason for that is coming to understand how ignorant I have been of the reality through my own ignorance.

161.003505 K: we have to and we will train our people to be able to do this. By the time we take into deep space we have to understand the control of the emotions and we have to understand detachment from the physicality of the body of the man as it is on this planet. We have to learn the peaceful application of our own emotion and the interaction of our emotion with our souls and other souls. We are moving away from physicality where physicality is just the manifestation of the confirmation of existence of something in the environment of the others. Deep space is so beautiful and it is for man to discover it.

161.010300 Control of the emotion through the soul of the man is a miniature version of a bigger structure. But in fact they work off the same thing. The man has got to go through this barrier and has got to go through the point where he trusts in his own soul and sees without the physicality.

Different conditions in space

153.004844 We carry the essence and we teach you to understand the operation of your soul so that in space your understanding of it can manifest itself and yourself in the condition of the environment. You don’t need to be in the suit of the man and cover yourself in the spaceship so that you still become a fish in the tank of the new world you travel into. To be able to live in the environment you have to become part of the environment. You cannot walk on the streets in planet Zeus with a helmet and a space suit and say I want to be one of you. It doesn’t fit. But if you understand how you can use the essence of the emotion through your emotion to reach your soul, then in space you feel good, the emotion fits, the environment feels good and you take the manifestation and you dress the body of the man the way you want according to the environment you arrived in. This is what others are doing across on this planet.

162.001526 K: We came from the water, but in living on the land we lost our habits of using our systems which are still part of us to be able to live within a liquid environment of the waters of the oceans. This is the same with us in space. We have not even adapted to where we came from to reverse to be able to live in the oceans in the water. Even now we go into the air with jetliners. A slight drop in height gives us different pressures and different problems with our emotion. A sudden drop affects our balance and raises fear. This is not what we are going to feel in space. There will be transitions, but those transitions will be totally different from what we are used to here.

162.001703 K: The transitions are in so many ways non-tangible but they are felt internally because they will play with our fields strength of our emotion and the field strength of our soul and with the field strength that our physicality has to react and change to accordingly.

162.001323 K: Now imagine when you send man into deep space. The freedom has to come from the balance of the soul and the emotion of the man. Then the man will find space his oyster. We have to understand how to change, to react to the change according to the emotion of our soul so the physicality can follow to accommodate it.

162.001356 K: As we have said before, for us to be satisfied and to be able to live in deep space we have to come to more understanding what the conditions are. Here on earth we are used to limited changes and the parameters of the changes are within what we have. What this means is that we have come to understand to work with slight temperature and pressure changes. If the pressures and temperatures are slightly different from what we are used to we find out that we cannot cope and we go through conversion of energy that our bodies are not able to accommodate. It is not planned for or set out for our bodies to do this.

162.001800 K: Here when we interfere with the working of the physicality, the emotion and the soul separates from the physicality and we call it a death. How can we live in space that we can keep the totality, but according to the condition of the environment we can adapt to?....(154.003900) ...and you can ask the soul or put across to the soul this is how it looks here and I want to have 14 arms and 20 legs. I am happy to be here and I don’t put too much pressure on my emotion that puts pressure on the soul.

162.001900 Or do we become prisoners of our own spaceships in the space of the universe? We go out but we cannot step out of our spaceship and we cannot interact with what we came to see. We become more or less a ‘fish’ in the ‘fish tank’ of the spaceship. Or we have to learn that we have become citizens of the universe and this means how to adapt into the environment and how to interact. This time we have to understand our inner strength in the soul level so that we can feature according to the environment we arrive in and at the same time be the chameleons of the environment.

No going into space without preparation: Understand the training

154.5039 K: It is you with your soul that decides to be part of the spaceship program and it is you in the strength of your soul that decides to manifest yourself on Planet Zeus.

167.004400 K: You have to go through the soul. And then you travel across the universes. There is no difference once you learn by devotion and transparency of the soul, one moves further in the strength. 167.004500 K: I always say the more you give, the more you receive. It is very simple. The more you give the more you get rid of the lower strength. What do you achieve? Higher strength plasma. This gives you the position to move into a higher order in the creation. 167.004600 You travel the space of the universe and manifest yourself according to the soul of the man’s strength. This is the beauty of the new knowledge.

153.005910 K: Going into space in the deep space without understanding the structure and the working of the soul, the emotion and the physicality is jumping off the Eiffel Tower with no parachute and hoping to survive.

153.010055 K: Or do we understand that jumping off the first lift and then at that first level I have trust in my soul and I can develop technology within me with my own emotion that I can become a bird of space. In the space, there is no land to crash into and it is how you want to proceed in the open plasma of the universe. That is the beauty of it. And it takes time to learn; take did not take off the first time he took to the wings.

161.004300 K: We have never walked into deep space without any cover. The fear of death has prevented us from testing. But in fact if you tune your brain, emotion and soul together, when you leave the boundary of what you call the space ship, you adjust yourself into the environment you are walking into.

162.010200 K: It is the man who has to find the path to his soul and educate himself to the point of the universe where he arrives because not many others will arrive in that point, and there is no book of reference. You cannot go back to earth and go to the library to find out what it says about ‘here’ because you are ‘then and there’ and you have to understand the strength of your soul that dictates the manifestation of the physicality in that environment.

Deep space opens the soul of the man but is a challenge for the brain

161.003125 K: Now imagine you travel in deep space and at the speed you travel the light that travels by you is beyond the comprehension. So the survival teaches you to close the eyes. But how much can you close the eyes? And when you close the eyes how are you going to trust the environment you are travelling into? The fear of the unknown becomes the fear and the noose around the neck of the man for his survival. That is why you have to understand that we have started teaching in understanding without the vision. This way we won’t see a horizon line of 17 kilometers or 17 miles but you will see into the depth of the universe. The brain of the man has been developed in a way to work with this. The man in the fear of his own understanding has never opened the gates of the brain.

161.003238 K: the evolution of the brain of the man will be horrendous. We will see the shrinkage in the physical part but we will see expansion in the emotion and the soul of the man. In a way the brain of the man will become like a jacket turned inside out. Because we need more of the emotion and the strength of the soul to be able to see the higher speed and higher strength fields in deep space so that we don’t see 17 kilometers but we see 17 light years ahead of us.

161.003300 Passing so many lights so fast becomes incomprehensible to the brain of the man. The only thing he can do is to increase the dimension into the higher speed of the order matters that can read and decipher the information that comes to it. The brain of the man burns out with a little bit of stress and we call it a stroke. Imagine how you are going to handle this unless you bring the strength of the level of the emotional part of the man to be more or less the totality of the boundary with a very small bound for its physicality. This is the secret and this is the key.

See without your physical eyes

161.003942 K: When they ask you why you are different colors and shapes it is because you have different environments. On your planet you have one environment and you all look the same. The planet earth is beautiful. It has the diversity and allows the diversity of the existence but union in thought and action.

161.004039 K: We have to understand how to see without the eyes and how to feel without touching, tasting. We don’t need to eat another entity to see how it tastes. If he likes he gives us the texture of his feeling for us to know how it feels. I Man has to pass this border to taste and learn how to use his emotion and his soul to share and to feel, to give and to take. This is where the real job of the spaceship institute starts.

161.021800 K: When you go into deep space and try to look at the lights there is so much that you don’t see. On the other hand you can extend and see beyond the boundaries of the spaceship you created, the vision of the man will come through his soul. In a way if you look at this you shall become the center of the universe as you shall see the boundary of the field strength of your own soul. One day man will understand.

154.003910 K: Now we understand the new teaching and now we understand more or less after three years why we are here. Some of you who understand the operation of your soul will take into space in no time.

Reverse the position

153.005100 You have to understand a very important condition. You have to understand a very fundamental point that once the man understands the reversal position, man will become part of the true creation.

153.005400 K: Understand it is the step on how to revert and how to use this physicality through his emotion to reach his soul. And then you can take the soul anywhere; So, shall be the physicality of the man in respect to his environment according to the essence of the strength of his soul. 162.021700 K: This is what you need in space; otherwise you will suffer. Man will change forever one clothes to another, one spacesuit to another, one thing to another to survive one condition of boiling; then in another condition he has to wear a suit to go in the deep sea when he is in space. If you understand what we are trying to teach man, wherever he rests his head will be his home.

153.005112 K: In the space technology, we teach something very fundamental and that is that we say in plasma technology we go ‘backwards’ and we go into essence of creation.

159.004651 K: This is the secret of the man in space, to understand the emotion of the environment and to understand the power of the environment in which you exist and how you want to be in that environment. You enter space like earth. Would you like to live on the surface of it? Would you like to live in the gaseous part of it? Would you like to live within the liquid environment of its ocean or would you like to live within the solid layer of the top as a caveman? Would you like to go into the center and live within the motion of the magma? Or would you like to live in the condition of the plasma within the center of the planet? The best testing ground for man is his own home. You have everything as conditions to test what you might get in space. (→ link to Part 2)

161.002255 K: so it is now time for us to develop the knowledge of the interaction of different strengths of the same material in different environments. Open up – train yourself with your GaNS boxes (→ link to part2) 159.004855 K: Create balls of plasma through our emotion which creates what we need, at the point of need through our emotion, because our emotion works very much in interaction with the fields of the universe. So it knows what the condition is and what needs to be done.

149.024252 K: ….This happened to me many times and when it happens it means you are not ready for it. It means you want it but it is not that someone put a bad feeling to it; it is your own soul that says you are not ready for it. The disbelief in something that you are not ready to receive should not be called the bad feelings or the doings of other people. When you don’t achieve something or you set your mind to do something in the development and you don’t reach it then it means that you are not ready for it, or the society around you is not ready for it. It doesn’t matter how you push it. It happens to me many times; I want to disclose knowledge and it doesn’t want to come. Somehow it gets through or it gets disappeared.

154.005000 K: It is the man who creates this limitation and this limitation has to be taken away from the comprehension of totality for man to be able to travel the expanse of the universe created.

You will learn how to mutate your physical body

163.01:20:33 Then you see, in Space you do not need any Spacesuit. We already wear a Spacesuit, called the skin of the man. It’s the best Spacesuit you can ever own. It regenerates itself, changes from color, makes different condition of the presentation, if you get shy, if you get angry. It grows fingers, if you need to; it shortens you if the environment dictates. 159.004600 In space we have to learn through the emotion how to protect the skin of the man from the environment of space. The first step is not to force the condition on the plasma but to understand the interaction of your emotion with the plasma.

161.013554 K:you become the chameleon of the universe not because of hiding something but because the condition of the environment dictates for you to be to survive so that you don’t give too much so that you have no more to give and you endanger your own existence and you don’t take too much so that you endanger others. Balance is the order of the universe. You made the boxes and now these boxes of ganses you made is the box of the judgement of the level of understanding of your own emotion and your soul.

159.014200 Many times you said that we are the same flesh and blood. Now extend the knowledge. In the universe we are all the same soul and we came from the same. The manifestation of the existence in the environment allows us different presentations. So the souls are all the same within the structure of the creation. It is the environment that gives them different manifestation and physical dimension.

162.011120 K: we have to go through that process of learning that we can exist in the space of the gases of our part. How much we trust our own emotion will give us how much we can exist and what filters we use. What we make the filters of will become our manifestation. Souls without filters of the emotion become the passengers of the unicos, and not many have managed that because of the fear of not understanding the totality of the strength of the soul itself. Many, many souls in the universe have tried to cross but the fear of demise has become their demise. Trust in the existence is the key to existence.

163.011917 K:It's the environment which has changed the Man, according to the Emotion of the survival. You send him back into spans of Australia, we get Aborigines. Now, we understand the process. We understand it's the Emotion, which in respect to the environment, gives the physicality and appearance of the physicality. But in Space we don't have the time, waiting 10,000 years for the change. The condition of the environment outside dictates the transformation of the reduction or strength in the filtering of the fields of the Soul. The filtering allows the manifestation of new entity, as we wish, to be able to live in the environment we have arrived in. It dictates for us to become the balancer and in that environment it dictates the condition of the appearance. This is important.

159.01110 When I change the atmospheric condition of the planet that allows and has a need for 10 fingers and 20 toes you will receive it because this is the understanding of the comfort of the existence in that position in the way you want to manifest yourself. Then you can ask yourself a single question: If I am a woman can I make myself into a mermaid? Then I could be the queen of the oceans and the beauty of the land. Can I create birth without the need for a male? Can I be a man that I can sleep without the bother of the physicality? Now man is given that chance.

159.011300 When you understand the work of the plasma in the shape we explain you can live within the oceans and seconds later you can live within the structure of the solid body of the planet.

162.005540 K: So, man becomes inter-dimensional. You don’t exist in one dimension but you exist in the total existence of the one dimension. The totality in respect to each other is understanding of the strength of the work of the position, which is the soul of the earth, and the position in respect to the soul of the physicality of the universe. Then you understand how rapidly you will change according to the environment. This is the key. This is the master behind the creation of life not only on this planet but across the universe. This is the key to be able to communicate and live amongst the others while they are living among us.

160.(no timestamps given) K: In the coming times man will see stars appear and disappear as we travel in space because the strength according to our observation is they crash into structures that were not there and suddenly they appear. They are not of the strength of the vision or the attention of the man. We have a lot to learn. So you can make yourself the strength that you become equal to your environment on your gravitational field and you will not be observed by the systems we have. But, we can confirm the existence through the field strength.

158.031200 K: very soon the men of space will understand. I was in a meeting yesterday and I said to the people around the table that we are going to go to space from here in Accra and they could not believe it. Here? Impossible! I said it would happen very soon because we are on the verge of doing it. After understanding the explanation of the technology they could see yes we could go. But they still look at the physical dimension to go. If you go further you can travel to deep space with your body and you don’t need… One day I explained how the body of the man was made to be able to transmute and the man has not even understood.

Spaceships are non-physical, they are living beings

152.010949 K: Spaceship technology has to be the totality and not a finger of our movement. Spaceship technology is to understand the essence of the creation of the soul of the man not the physicality of the man. This is the secret and those who understand this will travel the spans of the universe without ever moving their own physical body. And this is what has been hidden from the man and his knowledge. The spaceship of the man is the soul of the man. Those who get into spaceships are those who have not developed to the next step. It is the interim and how long this interim will take depends on the maturity of the soul of the man.

161.013200 K: Those who take the steps to understanding more will come to be the spaceship makers 152.011500 K: Because they have increased the level of the soul in the true level and not by stealing and absorbing from the others but by increasing the availability of the fields which are available in the soup of the universe. Then you should be able to see and communicate with the other souls at that strength plus your own. It’s like the language and you will see this.

152.012345 K: Try to bring all the knowledge we have taught over the past years and then you will understand the totality has come to a final point. If you understand the operation of your own soul, you will understand how to interact with the soul of the craft if you are still physically attempting to fly. You don’t need the remote control and you don’t need the control. The physical control is too slow, far too slow. (link to #168) Try to understand that the soul of the man in the small part of his operation is the image of his physicality. But it has other dimensions beyond it that are much different, much stronger or much weaker, which has the interaction of the physicality with the other levels of the souls and the freedom of the travel in space.

152.014129 K: If you understood the totality you understand it has it own soul and that is why you connect and direct through the soul through the emotion. In a way, you break into its emotion. If you (Jon) look at the way I looked at the systems you built in the past few weeks, (link to Part3) what is missing to get your system triggered is that you haven’t found the soul of it. You haven’t found that imaginary center. 152.014200 Your (Jon) spaceship is a living being but its physicality is missing. But it is a physical matter entity of this planet made of the strength of his emotion of the builder. It is the trust in one’s soul that lets man take off and to travel. It's soul sits within the free plasma. If you look the top reactor is the brain and these are like the legs and the arms. (→ link to tech = Part 3) Once you achieve this point, you achieve the creation of the space ship. But because it is a free plasma it is a plasma created out of the totality then the man’s soul.


152.013700 K: Then you have to understand do you take energy from the level of the universal condition at that point of the destination to match? You will find out that spaceships in the majority of cases are the point of gathering of the souls than the physicality because they enjoy being with each other. It’s a spherical expats community.

152.020215 K: Expats cover the whole of the universe. They are all expats but they are expats from the universe. When you decide to travel within the space ship is when you decide to be part of the others’ interaction. You are all expats. But in the community, you like to be with them. You will find out that the spaceships of the future are that way from every culture in the universe and they like to enjoy each others’ existence as friends. This is by the will and not by force. These changes a lot. So you can decide if you want to levitate and float in the atmosphere of the earth or you want to join the spaceship above or you want to make it yourself.

Traveling without the physicality of a spaceship

162.005743 K: So, do we need to build a spaceship to trust that we keep our souls in the matter of physicality? Or, can we go a step further to understand that one can use his own soul to travel the depths of the universe, without the tangibility of the spaceship.

161.021600 K: For man it is to understand his own control of his emotions without the physicality. And then through it to see the soul and then you see the opening to the universal condition. The spaceship is the body of the man and the ship is to be able to carry his emotion wherever he wants to. You always look for the ship to carry something in it. We look at this the wrong way and we use the physicality to get to the emotion.

162.005700 K: You tell me how you can do if you are in control of your emotion and you can attract your soul you can change direction and dimension and you can go into space. You don’t need an aircraft. You don’t need a space ship.

153.024801 K:If you can go deep enough to reach the state of the soul you will understand how deep enough you can travel within the space of the dimension. This is very, very simple.

152.015950 K: If the man understands this, anyone can fly or levitate in respect to the earth. Depending on the strength you change from the metal iron in respect to the oxygen. In flying or moving across the universal span it is again the understanding of the gravitational magnetic field strength of the position, and what and how it is compared to what you are.

0031400 The shape of the body, especially the brain and organs has given man the opportunity to be able to travel if he understands his emotion. You don't need a vehicle. If you adjust your breathing, in line with the work of the flow of the blood in your heart you have found the Delta... You always look for the chakras from the bottom to the top. But the chakras of the space of the man’s emotion sits flat on his chest. If you understand this process then through the emotion you can change the reactors of the soul for the strength of the release of the soul, then you decide the shape of the body of the man in the manifestation of his existence. You decide what to be manifested in what shape comes to you. It is the pull of the physicality of the matter state that creates the extension of the body of the man. The soul sits within the free plasma. If you look the top reactor is the brain and these are like the legs and the arms. Once you achieve this point, you achieve the creation of the space ship. But because it is a free plasma it is a plasma created out of the totality then the man’s soul and if you can tune it at the strength you decide the full system.

Speed and Zero-time travel

152.014510 K: you will learn the pilots of the future are the men of truth in respect to the desire of their travel which means they can manifest the point of destination to you at any point without you ever arriving because they can create the condition of the connection. This is zero-time travel. Zero-time travel is not actually traveling in zero-time; it is opening the time to yourself to see the truth. We call it the enlightenment. When you can create the strength of the destination you are at the destination.

162.002110 K: We don’t have millions of years of evolving and coming to see what the people in that area are so that we can sit there to evolve by looking at it or trying to get into the environment so that we can adapt. It has to be spontaneous. You travel at speeds that are beyond the speed of the imagination of the man as we have said before. It is not the rule of E=MC2 anymore because this is irrelevant. We are traveling at the speed of light at several times by order of magnitude, hundreds of times by order of magnitude. How ready are we?

153.16014303 K: that is what I said about the computers on the control systems are useless because your speed with the speed beyond the imagination and you want to control the physicality. You go through it and you would not be able to contain man in space with aluminum frame. That is why you make the frame out of the plasma to withstand the condition of the soul in control of the craft. Go back to my teaching. I always said computers are too slow. It is the man’s thoughts and emotions that will create condition of the motion and with it the plasma of the craft according to the environment; now you understand.

154.010248 K: Maybe it is time to understand more and to look at all the tools you have made. The majority of them have been for the connection between your physicality and the soul and you never understood. Many times I said that the controller of the flight system is the soul of the man because the ride of the communication with wires and electronics is too slow. Electronics is like the neuro system, it takes time for the information to go; it is too slow. But the fields interact directly at the speed of their strength. Now you understand how easily the game you have all been taking for full understanding.

The beauty of space-traveling


161.003603 K: it is for man to trust in it and live and obey the rules of the universe. We have lived in it for millions of years. If the man learns what we know man will follow blind because this is the Promised Land and it is deep space where man finds peace in every corner.

161.012720 K: we are all teachers of one thing: peace, not only on this planet, but the creators and creation of peace across the universe. Not many will pass the test as man has learned over time the greed of possessing more and thus it will be the noose around his neck and the limitation of his development of the understanding of the totality. Try to understand and to go into the next level of teaching. You have taught yourselves the matter state in plasma and in fields. Now it is time to see even without the gans how the fields respond to you. Do you see light in the vision of the horizon of your eyes without an eye where the light shall speak in the dimension and the strength of the soul? Without the ear you shall hear and without the eye you shall see.

162.011000 K: But they have their life and their existence and you want to be part of it because it is so beautiful. You have never seen water falling out of no mountain but it just showers through. It is not water but a mirage of the manifestation of the fields crossing and it gives to your imagination and strength of understanding the flow of water as you have seen on earth. That is the only way you can confirm it. K: in the depths of the universe the flow of the fields become rivers of light and not the waters. This is what man has to understand and what I said… we have to educate man so that man understands and sees the totality in the new dimensions of space.


162.011940 K: The advantage comes in what gives you the pleasure of existence in whatever dimension. In the universal community and the operation of the universe there are no masters to satisfy and no exams to pass to get to another course. The change of time and position is in respect to what you would like to have at that point. I have explained this in past years very clearly and I explain it again. As we enter into the new dimensions of the transformation of the man to open the passages of the universal community and in the depth of traveling the universe, man will come to understand something very strange. Some of what you call stars, and they are stars in a way, they are existing entities. But, in fact if you translate it to the word of the man, they are spaceships. But you say they have been there from the time man looked into the sky. A million years in space is no time.


162.12200 K: In that dimension of the soul there is no time.

162.12340 K: Time is irrelevant. Time does not exist because it is the emotion and field strength that changes according to what it needs and what is available.

Transparent colors, other spaceships, stars and souls of other entities

161.011725 K: the color white does not exist in space. It has been in the imagination of man for confirmation of the stupidity of superiority. The color of the universe is transparent without any color. And the power of it comes from its transparency because you can never find the real essence and the point of the source as every point is the source of its own.

162.12356 So, when we go to space we stop to see a new car, or that new car with two wheels or the yellow color, or two exhausts. Now we see a spaceship that we thought was a star up to now. But now we have the same knowledge, the same understanding, the same understanding of the technology of the reality and you see there are not many stars in the horizon of the eye of the man, but many ships.

162.003248 K: This is the message that is on the table. How far man is prepared to go to become part of another society that he is part of and is not aware of? We go from the village to the city and in the city we are still part of the same nation. But, it is a very different environment from the village and the center of the modern city. When the man comes from rural areas and walks into the middle of Times Square and sees everything else in the middle of Moscow or Beijing, it is a different world. The head is up and the

mouth is open, baffled by the new of what he is part of but he didn’t know it existed.

Man’s mouth in space will be opened so wide it will never shut because he has been part of this and he didn’t know he was part of the universal community. How do we understand this and develop this? How do we handle this and learn not to be afraid of what is to be and what is to come?

We shall see each other’s soul and the beauty of it by the strength of what it is emitting and not what it is taking, because the giving is so much that what it takes is so minute and what you don’t need so at least you serve each other. The color of the soul is the transparency of the fields of the emotion of the man.

New avenues of communication, sharing and giving

152.012510 K: In understanding the operation of your own soul you become open to accept the totality of the energy of the universe! 153.013732 K: Become a part of the Plasma of universe It is to be in essence the totality of the total, to be part of the plasma of the universe rather than being on your own. 152.015000 K: You decide to be part of the others’ interaction. 152.012600 It is easy to transfer position yourself through the interaction with others! 152.011252 K: Now you have to find the heartbeat of the soul of the man in respect to the others and then you will find the position of the others. Blessed are those who are wise and understand. 163.014820 K: When you create the condition and you see the others of other Universes with us and how easily you speak their language. Then we say, stupid us, we tried to learn French, when we are speaking English. And we can't even do it, and now we understand the language of the Universe because the language of the Universe comes from the Soul of the Man. Every entity has a center and it's all the same.

153.011400 You need the timid behavior for the one who is a giver to give and for the one who is a taker to take from the timid. You need the strong man that from his strength he gives and by his strength he elevates the others. And it is the souls who have decided, not the man himself. But in the process of creation, if you understand that in the process of time of life, you can change the strength of the soul, to elevate the soul to the levels of the strength of the other entities within the universe. You'll learn to speak the language of the Universe in the schools of the future.

Perfect health and Immortality

Perfect health is a byproduct 160.4.3. You create environmental change inside the body.

159.005017 K: this is what we have to learn. Learn that man in space can last millions of years through the existence of his soul. If the man is happy with a few decades of life on this planet, man will stay. We don’t expect the whole 7 billion to become the man of space. Very few will join us, very, very few. Those who can go through the transition of understanding the operation of the emotion and can understand the needs of the space to be part of the space itself. I made man in the image of myself; I am what I am; I am the beginning and I am the end. This is what man will understand now that we start the true teaching of the operation of the space technology.

You go to courses, how you go into a box. And, then you decide, how to change your presentation according to the pressure, field-strength and the condition, and flow of the magnetic fields that you start learning how to mutate. To you these things now are beyond your imagination. In 5 or 10 years time you’ll speak about it...that, the Man has been in Space for lifetime. I always said that many times.

161.010534 K: Because the life of the man won’t be 60 to 100 years as you are used to. It will be thousands of years and you have time to be everywhere and learn the speed of the transformation and the speed of transportation. Then the shell of the life of this universe becomes too small. And then we start getting that itching foot to see what is behind the line of this universe. Then we have to learn the rules of the unicos, which is totally different, but very similar to what we learned in the village of the earth. You have to learn that in the village of the unicos each village has its own behavior and its own environment. It is like when you come to Africa and it is hot day and night. When you go to the North Pole it is freezing. It is the same in the dimension of the unicos. Each universe has its own composition and that is why it stays in that direction and in that dimension.

Training at the KfSSI

163.014807 K: It is the lack of trying to know what we know and how we can convert it to our own understanding and intelligence. 163.012935 K: In the coming short time there will be so many schools, such as how to convert your Soul to physicality.

161.004356 K: but now the ticket is for man to understand his own emotion and soul and how it connects to his physicality in respect to his environment. Would we open the schools and instead of jumping in the pools and see how you behave, we jump or enter into the environment when the plasmatic magnetic field changes and we have to change to it to see how much we can change. Where is the weakness in our emotion in respect to the environment so that we can survive it?

161.004450 K: if you like to stick with a space suit, no problem. There is nothing wrong with it. But if you decide to work without the oxygen that you breathe but receive the energy of the oxygen so that your amino acid can survive you will be taught. You will teach yourself. The horizon of opening space for man is beyond man’s imagination. It has taken us between 3 to 10 years to walk you from matter into plasma and fields. I hope I don’t have to wait 1000 years for man to change to learn that space is safe.

163.014323 K: Once you leave the environment of the creation of the zone you've done, you have to live the condition of the atmospheric of this Planet. It's not that you are any different. You are traveling between two Spaces. It's you, to condition and understand. If you create the condition of the field-strength of a given environment and you stay in it, you'll behave that way. You experience new dimension of life, according to what you allow your filter, what your brain allows to manifest in physicality. You will have many schools. 163.014440 K: Nowadays you go, you learn to learn driving, and you go driving school. You go walking school, computer school, very soon all these shops will change. Planet Zeus condition, Planet Jeeps condition, Planet so and so condition. I want to go for holiday to Planet Zeus for three weeks. So, you go practicing on how to be in Planet Zeus or Jeeps condition, until you learn that you don't need to go to these schools. Now you learn how to transform. You don't have the fear of “what's going happen to me when I get there” because you convert. You evolve into it. Because this is the way the life works. The fear of unknown has been the cause of this condition.

163.013234 K: Now you understand the Truth about the Creation of the Man and the Creation of the Universal Entities. If you become good at it, you can flick from one environment to another. Today, you have two hands, the next second you have 14 hands. You don't need any legs, because the hand is good enough. You're a monkey; you can jump to the higher trees and the way it is there.

162.003642 K: This is the biggest and hardest part for many of you who want to move into the space ship program. It is not about the space suit, weightlessness or training to become a passenger in space. It is training to become part of space knowing that the integrity of me shall stay in totality.

163.013000 K: You know you go to schools, driving schools now. You go to diving schools now, and schools to learn how to swim and how to drive. You go to classes to learn how to work with computer. In the coming short time there will be so many schools, such as how to convert your Soul to physicality. And they make tanks, and they make fields, and you want to see how is on the g49.

163.012300 K: You go to courses, how you go into a box. And, then you decide, how to change your presentation according to the pressure, field-strength and the condition, and flow of the magnetic fields that you start learning how to mutate. To you these things now are beyond your imagination. In 5 or 10 years time you’ll speak about it...that, the Man has been in Space for lifetime. I always said that many times.

153.004645 K: It means that as we are going into the deep space technology we were used to the present space program to wear the pressurized clothing and helmets that we had to train for a long time in water to be used in space.

163.014642 K: We will make the swimming tanks of the condition, different environments of the Universe. Not for a man to change a screw, because you will make the screw any time! It'll come for the Man, that when you put your hand, and you know this has to be something to connect this to this, for me to have the comfort of the air conditioning. It will appear. It'll manifest, because it's your wish. You know, what it needs to be. You don't need to make it, because the energy of the hands gives manifestation to the physicality of what is needed. I'll speak to you in ten years time. And you will say, "How did you know?" I'm the messenger of the Universe. I can teach you everything. But you, as children of Man, have to learn and to understand more. And take the shackles of ignorance, in respect to the new knowledge away from your eyes and your mind. You'll walk through, like the rest of the Universal Community.

There are no kitchens, no food and no toilets in the new spaceships. 161.005745 K: Now you understand the point of maturity. You had to transfer the taste of orange into water that had these plasmas around it. Your body is made of that plasma. The containment of the glass of water is the body of the man. Did you need to consume the orange? Or did the orange stay intact with what it gave out and you took and tasted the energy of it. You had the pleasure of its existence without consuming it. This is the maturity of the man in deep space.

162.003156 K: Then man through the process of the conversion in total new dimensions in the interaction with the fields will understand the level of the new life. At this moment of time when we go to space we condition ourselves on the physical condition with pressure.

162.003814 K: This is the path for the universal unification of the man with the rest of the universe and with the souls that are constructed out of the environment of this planet. The preparation of man to go into space without the shackles of the physicality will be very harsh. Not many will cross the line because of the fear of trusting their own soul is much harder than trusting the physicality of this planet as it can ‘finish’ with an accident, an earthquake or whatever else.

Traveling in space

153.013909 K: in the coming time when the man understands go back to the position of the Magnets. It is you who changes the emotion and the physical appearance of the matter state of the energy that you can move yourself across the universe without doing anything. You just change the rate of the giving and the taking and then it changes position to where you want and where you fit.

164.010000 K: With the new formula that we set up we dictate the position of arrival at A or B and then we understand that this formula is applicable and dictates the speed of the travel. You have to understand that as a scientific work we have a beautiful control system where the destination being a planet, star or galaxy that creates a massive plasma condition that supports life that we want to go to, has to have the characteristics which this (the spaceship) always stays the same and the point of destination can be a planet, star, or rendezvous somewhere in space. With this understanding of the speed of plasma and understanding why we need it the scientists can now develop the next phase of understanding of the spaceship program.

164.010130 K: In the craft you can continuously A or B but your destination is more or less fixed. At the same time you don’t want to lose your protection and you want to create a condition of approach where you come as fast as possible, but when you approach in space there are no brakes. You will not put anything on ‘reverse thrusts.’ All you need to do is to reverse the measured strength of the magnetical field of the planet and you create gravitational field according to the strength of your own reactor. So, you come to a halt at the ‘speed of light.’

164.010413 K: So you have to look at the destination point of travel where the pilot has dictated his point of reference. The man in the future when he takes these positions will understand the connection with the incapacity of our present electronic and electrical systems to control such a flight. Then you understand that such changes are only applicable in the evolution of the man who can change the color of his skin for protection. The pilot through the emotion and understanding controls everything and he has already pre-planned a possible planet, star or galaxy that gives him an escape route.

164.010643 K: You have already hooked yourself into your ‘certain position’ and your system continuously operates in respect to it. It’s like a spider that has a little bit (of web) on the ceiling and hangs from it. If there is danger, the spider goes up to the ceiling because the string (web) is already made. This is what you will develop and what is already made.

164.010749 K: The space travel in the coming time will become a game for those who understand the work of the universe and not in the matter state--those who understand the interactions and not the final line of approach.

165.010609 How far into space can we go? K: It’s very much like the divers. They know they can go and they go deeper and test deeper.

163.013600 K: When you come to Space, you'll come across something very interesting. In many races, the gender does not exist, and you cannot tell the difference except when they have decided to be. So, the shame of the Man to show his reproduction organ and the breast does not exist, because you decide, internally, what you want to be. So, we look all the same. There is nothing to hide..... Because what you carry is what you show and is the nakedness of the Soul of the Man. And this is what a lot of you are going have a problem with. We don't preach. We teach. We enlighten that you can start exercising.

163.013819 K: The Man of Space sees the light of the Soul of the Man, not the physicality of the Man because the physicality, at the end, is subjected to the environment. And, it will be the same with the Man. You become an expert in seeing things. Where you see there is no animosity, where you see there is no need to fight because it's there. You want this? It's yours. You want part of my Soul because you want to taste how I taste? Have it. Because, I create the field for you to feel how I feel. I give it to you freely. The strange thing is, our Soul has been doing this from the time of inception of the Soul, but has never made it open to the Mans in the manifestation of physicality of this Earth because the atmospheric condition position of this Planet, in this Galaxy in this Solar System in this Planet, dictates, for it to be this way.

162.005638 K: Our soul is in contact and communication with them but in the physicality we are behind the veil of our own ignorance because we would like to be in the world of physicality. Now that we have become passengers of the universe, we have to accept the totality of all 3 dimensions of it (link) because without the one the other cannot exist. Without the principle transition which is the emotion and the physicality, which is the matter state of the manifestation at that point shall not exist.

Learn to communicate in space

162.003000 K: The problem for the man is to understand how busy his soul has been in interaction with other souls in the universe and the way they have been communicating. But it has been blinded to the man because the physicality of the man cannot understand the emotion of the essence of the creation of the soul and its operation.

162.003036 K: To you these things sound very strange but it is the reality of what man has done by confining to the physicality of his body and his atmospheric condition. Then when we open into the dimension of understanding the operation of our souls, would we start translating the emotion of the travelers of the universe and then can we give them shape, to confirm that this is from this planet or from this part of the universe? Strangely enough when we start understanding the strength of our emotion the gates of the communication through the universal community through the soul of the man will open up. These are the stages we have to go through. But there is a key point; it is the creation of the environment of the plasmatic condition that the survival of the man in his total physicality exists, and this transition point will come when the doors of the spaceship are shut.

160.7 K: Try to understand how you communicate in deep space. These are the technologies we need to develop. Try to see how you can interact and communicate with other entities. This is not the future any more. This is one of the reasons that what I call has been a gap in the understanding of most of the totality of the knowledge and that is that man cannot understand the line of thought and the science of the people of the universe.

160.7 K: Understanding the universal line of communication is essential for us in breaking into space. We cannot teach them English or French. But if you understand the strength of the emotion and the intention we have understood the language.......

153.012200 K: We start teaching the language of the universal community.

162.002445 K: At the moment we travel from one country to another and we are totally lost. We don’t know how to communicate and we don’t have a common language. Why has man demoted himself to the point of the sound so that I can stand in front of you and feel your emotion of what you want, what you are offering me, what you want me to pay and what you want for me to take and what I have given?

162.002533 K: the more that you call Western-style civilization or civilization of the man across the world that has taken place, we have lost the point of trust in ourselves and in our ability to trust others. With trusting we lose half of the energy that has been created for us to protect ourselves.

154.010644 K: The process of wisdom comes from independence of the physicality. If you want to enter the world or the universal community as we call it, is our future in our hands or is our future dictated by the others who position their souls in a specific position that our soul has to respond to?

153.012750 K: We use the fields to reach the soul of the man and through it you to reach the soul of the universal community.

151.012800 K: As I said I take man to space with the full knowledge that he enters the universal community as an equal partner and not a subordinate.

153.012652 K: This is the secret of the teaching. It is you who has to understand that with this knowledge you should be able to control the giving and taking from the soul so that giving and taking is like the way magnets dictate the positioning. Put the circle magnets next to each other. If it is stronger, the distance is more. Now we have the reactors that can do Magrav positioning. You can soul position yourself. It takes time.

163.020305 K: It's the way things have to be for us to be intelligent, to understand the work of the Universe. For us is the reality of the Space gap is at what field you want to release to be in comparison to what the environment will have you be. Then you understand, as I've said many times the past few weeks. There is no need for a Spacesuit. And, there is no need to go to a class, to learn the language of the planet Zeus because they speak a different language on Planet Zeus. They all speak the same language which is the language of the Soul of the Man. To what extent we understand it, shall be our own problem. To what extent we are going to accept it again shall be our own problem to the extent we can be the reality of the understanding, in the totality of the structure.

153.013820 K: The secret of the communication and interaction of the physicality sits with what we call the potential difference and the current flow. It is you who dictates what the potential difference is going to be and it is you who decides through the soul how much emotion is to be passed on to be the current of the flow in respect to the environment. It is that simple and no more. It is to understand the totality, it is to be the essence, to become part of it and to understand the position of it. It is to be in essence the totality of the total, to be part of the plasma of the universe rather than being on your own. Then you can transfer position yourself.

161.0 We give the opportunity to all. It is for the soul to choose. Maybe now they understand. Maybe now they comprehend what is to come. The choice is given to the man. And it is for the man to take the next step. Stay within the confinement of the pleasure of the physicality of this village of earth, or take a step to see what the village of the universe in the world of the unicos has to give. Once the man starts traveling the spans of this universe he will find out it is too small and he can travel faster from one into another. I’ve seen this many times.

153.013909 K: Or you become the nomads of the universe. You change it and land and you don’t know where you are but you decide to spend sometime there until you would like to move on.

161.013216 K: there are many travelers on this planet, but not the whole of mankind. Try not to exert your wish, your knowledge, your emotion and your soul’s power. But be the recipient so that in receiving what is needed is given.

154.005710 K: And then you will become part of the universal community because in reality we are all plasmas that are interconnected and keep the condition of position in respect to each other so we have to become part of the universal community. Becoming part of the true universal community is not to get on the spaceship and go into space and see a bunch of aliens and say hello and shake hands because they don’t speak your language.

154,011700 K: The whole secret of existence in the creation is to create that soul and if it is strong enough and it is done correctly it will exist anywhere in the universe without the need for transportation of the emotional side or the manifestation of the physicality unless it decides. Blessed are those who understand.

154.005747 K: The true universal community connection is in understanding the truth.

Traveling in groups and future transportation

152.021058 K: It is the same as the soul of the planet because that strength gives you manifestation of your physicality. It is what I call ‘home’. I feel comfortable in it. 152.021018 K: It carries that emotion of the one who created the spaceship. The intention is by principle and living a balanced life.

152.021100 K: This is why I said that in some cases you can’t invite others into your spaceship if it is primarily made for yourself. But if you make it dimensional you can allow many passengers.

153.005450 K: Now you understand where you are heading and what it means and the key to our existence across the universe. We travel with the spaceship as a group and we come to the destination. Whoever wants to stay can change to the environment. Whoever wants to carry on to the next station can carry on. And they become the manifestation of the existence in the new location. But the problem is that you have to understand different methods of the transportation and different methods of doing things and delivering things and guests. 162.003232 K: In the new spaceship which is getting developed and used by some nations, the passengers of the craft in being in the new condition of the environment which is in balance with the rest of the universe shall see the operation of their own souls and the communication in how to join the universal community.

Building Cities in Space

160.(no timestamps given) K: Do I need to be on earth, not because it is home, because I am home in deep space with what I have on earth? You may not understand but in the future man will understand. Do I need to come back to earth to be with the ones I love and to feel the atmosphere and the joy of what I was used to? Or, can I create a condition that what I love in soul will be with me? Would we ever miss home as home is with us through the soul of interaction? It is in the writing of Baha‘u’llah

Now we are looking for the next step in the development of the structures. Do we need bricks and mortar to build things? The buildings we need to build in the future in deep space will come out of the understanding of the interaction of the plasma.

Man will build cities in the depth of the deepest space in no place where there is any planet because man knows how to create the condition of any material for the construction of what he needs as do many other civilizations. This is passage we are going to; now the first steps have been taken.

Children of the Soul

161.010139 K: Man will participate in creating the new generation of beings in the universe in the interaction of the soul and the emotion of the man with other entities where in physical life it is impossible. The children of the universe are made of every race in the universe of those who understood this interaction.

152.021222 K: But unfortunately, physical interaction is an impossibility. But a marriage through the souls will lead to the life of the balance between the two and the child of the soul is so beautiful.

161.010200 K: Making love and the beauty of the offspring does not need physical interaction the way the man has gotten used to it on this planet. I said to Carolina many years ago that we come to this planet to the physical dimension like this to enjoy the touch of physicality where in fact we are committed to the dimension of the soul of the existence of the universe.

163.020759 K: You will go into environments that allow you the separation and division of your Soul, what we call the 'Soul of Newborns' because that Soul will start gathering energy from the others in order that it matures itself to another Soul. This is how the creation's done, in the realms of the Creator.

152.24 K: As I said in other teachings, children of the universe with the man’s soul as part of it will be fantastic. Physically, we will not be able to reach because of the strength of the amino acid; we would kill each other. But we can marry through the soul and the children of the soul have no dimensions unless they decide. Man will learn about this in a very short time. 152.021310 K: Man still has to learn and has a long, long way yet. If you look for the birth due to the interaction of the sperm and the egg and you know it came from the physical manifestation of the soul, now imagine if the souls do this without the transition. It is so beautiful. You call it a virgin birth because there was no physicality

161.010700. For some it will take a few seconds and for some it will take centuries of travels for millions of years and they will never succeed because they have not matured in the inner sanctum of their souls to see the totality of creation. Try to practice and make as many different ganses and see how you can influence those ganses which are matter level and those ganses which are emotional level as well as those ganses that are in the dimension of the soul of the man.

161.010900 Through the respect for them to see the door and the opening in the universe. You cannot open the key to the universal community if you have no respect for where you came from and understand that when you take into the world of the universe you are the ambassadors of this planet.

Adventures in the future

162.005500 K: This is the path to space. This is the reality of understanding that the change in the evolution, in the physicality of the man, in essence is triggered by understanding of the emotion and by understanding that it is triggered by soul of the man, where itself is in interaction with the soul of the planet and the universe and accordingly changes the emotion to the dimension of the physicality.

162.005540 K: so man becomes inter-dimensional. You don’t exist in one dimension but you exist in the total existence of the one dimension. The totality in respect to each other is understanding of the strength of the work of the position, which is the soul of the earth, and the position in respect to the soul of the physicality of the universe. Then you understand how rapidly you will change according to the environment. This is the key. This is the master behind the creation of life not only on this planet but across the universe. This is the key to be able to communicate and live amongst the others while they are living among us.

159.005140 K: You tested many cores, different speeds, different current flows to create different ganses, and now you understand that all this has been for you to build the trust in the existence of your soul’s operation and control in the future of the space technology of the man in space. Nothing more.

163012100 K: Now the Man, for thousands of years on this Planet is going to be open to the bigger trial in the span of the Universe. This is the Truth about the Spaceship Program. This is the Truth about how man will go into Space.

161.021900 K: Don’t forget the spaceship made by the man is of the strength of his emotion. So, it is a physical matter entity of this planet. It is the trust in one’s soul that lets man take off and to travel.

Understanding space-chemistry

(link to atmospheric conditions - will be created soon)

Creating a 'New Earth'

There might be a necessarity to prepare a New Earth to evacuate man to. Did someone or a race did it for us? Are they waiting for us to be the contractor? Or are there Gods who prepared it already and some man are already there? Maybe those Gods who helped humankind with all the upgrades we received over the last millions of years?

Making known the unknown in the unicos

It is said that the human is turning into a galactic human. If some of us are able to communicate with the universal community I am sure that there will be schools on every planet where their teachers will help with the education of man.

Making known the unknown in other dimensions

159.014128 K: Now which one of you is the true man of space? and which one of you would like to go with the aircraft, the space ship or the sheep of the body of the soul of the man?

162.005800 K: As I said in many teachings in the recent past, we don’t teach the race of man any more; we teach across the universe as my voice is my soul and is heard across. It is heard across for those who are in the next stage of development of the crossing into another dimension of the travels in the depth of the space of the universe. In time as man matures he will understand the message.

161.010406 K: not many will pass this level. Not many will take the journey.

164.025615 K: So, do we or are we observers of multi entities at the depth of the universe at any point and the answer is ‘yes.’ Now the only way you write a formula of this is to understand the strength of the soul of yourself and in that strength decide in which part (of the spiral) of the strength of the soul you would like to be observed. So, so many people speak about multi dimensions and being at the same place at the same time. As a plasma you can be, but it depends on the point of the observer. Do I see you as a human in position A, and as a Martian in position B?

162.005540 K: so man becomes inter-dimensional. You don’t exist in one dimension but you exist in the total existence of the one dimension. The totality in respect to each other is understanding of the strength of the work of the position, which is the soul of the earth, and the position in respect to the soul of the physicality of the universe.

Merging with the creator

153.005120 K: In the space technology, we teach something very fundamental and that is that we say in plasma technology we go ‘backwards’ and we go into essence of creation. We go into understanding of the creation. ….. 154.013630 K: We don’t teach because teaching will take you to nowhere and you will forget. If you understand, aspire to overcome your fears you will overcome the limitations of your own understanding. In the space it is not that if something is bigger than you it must be your creator. It is as I have said before how does it operate, so that I understand this operation because it can’t be very far from me but it uses different ways of manifesting itself. It is the same gravitational magnetic field and in a different position it manifests itself as the Earth.

163.015100 K: They say the Universe is fourteen billion? You don't even know how many billion years happened, billion of years before, billions of years by order of magnitude. You don't have the tools to see it; you only see the Matter part. When it comes to the crumb, the Stars, the Galaxies are nothing but the crumbs of the work of the Universe, you never see. You never have the intelligence at this one time until you go into Space, and live like the Man of the Universe to see the Truth about the creation of the Universe. "I am the Creator and everything is transparent to all." You will say to yourself, you create yourself according to the environment. "I made myself in the shape of myself." Not, "I made Man in the shape of the Creator." "I am the Creator, because my Soul, creation of its energy, dictates how I manifest myself."

Continuation of KfSSI

159.10055 K: This is the secret of creation and Accra will teach this for those who understand. Then the question comes do we need the spaceship? As I always said you take this knowledge according to your understanding. …. The building of the new space center is the key to the beginning of the opening of the doors into the universal community.... But within the center we teach the travels of space where now you pass the galaxies, the universes and the rest.... We need while I am alive to build this center so that we can start the process of the transition from man to space. For man to understand the structure of his emotion, the structure of his soul, that his soul is the structure copy of the universe and unicos, it is him who decides his position. And it is him who decides the awareness of his existence across the universe under balanced, peaceful conditions. 159.10339 K: We will still build the spaceships for those who would still like to have the comfort of touch. But we teach the building of the spaceship in the soul of the man, which has no dimension and no physicality. So now you see how fast we come. The building, the structure is the confinement of the space for man of knowledge to come to. Beyond that there shall be no walls except for man's fear of his own existence across the depth of the universe. If you become wise enough you will understand that there is no dimension. The strength in confidence and the strength in understanding is the key to success in deep space travel across the universes.


154.013526 The man who goes to space has to go with the confidence of the knowledge of who he is and what he is, what he can achieve and what his responsibility is in respect to others. It is ingrained in us according to our culture and we see it and it is pushed more and more to the level that the more we can fool people the more we can abuse people. Maybe you found your answer. We are not preachers, we are teachers and enlighteners to enlighten so that you can teach and preach yourself. This is the job of the Universal Council, the universal messengers.

161.010748 K: And, start testing yourself and you will be graduated when you come to the school. This is very much like what we call the evening classes. You practice and teach at home and come to the institute to graduate. And we will teach you the final part.

Introduction Training

Knowledge Seekers are inspired to search for knowledge how to continue their work in their labs. In that way we learned about the interactions of the magnetically-gravitational fields of Plasma. Now Mr. Keshe was telling that all of those years I taught you about yourselves. 'You thought its all about health products and free energy and saving money...'. 163.020245 K: So the problem is not the education. The problem is openness of the mind. The problem is to understand the interaction of the fields. There is no problem. It's openness of acceptance, openness of understanding and openness of applying the right way.'

You might have been on your spiritual journey before you joined the Keshe Foundation to extend your knowledge. Then you might miss some terms like consciousness: Understand that Mr. Keshe's background is different. Give it a try anyways.

Mainly in KSWS #161 he was recommending to communicate with different GaNSes and different mixtures. That is a good start to start the training to become a 'pilot'.

Some of the Knowledge Seekers (KS) started way back in creating GaNS-spheres in which they rotated their different GaNSes at different speeds. They saw their beauty and felt in love with them. They created subatomic particles, not an easy task for scientists using traditional knowledge.

We KS understand that every GaNS is different, is depending on our emotions (intentions) during the production.

Over and over again Mr. Keshe (K) is telling that man is caught up in physicality. Human are carrying their limitations without knowing their essence, their soul (→ link).

Those on their spiritual quest know about the importance to search within. You might agree with teachings of more or less known people and channeled entities telling about malevolent beings in the universe. Only benevolent entities are a part of Mr. Keshe's teaching (yet). KSs have an open mind and know that Mr. Keshe is always open the answer any questions.

Breathing technique to mutate

He is always willing to expand his teachings like in 165th KSWS when a Knowledge Seeker was mentioning about a guru in Holland teaching a very special breathing technique: 'He teaches people how to breathe heavily and then hold their breath for 3 minutes and then breathe heavily 40 times and hold their breath for 4 minutes and then breathe 50 times and hold their breath…..

02:27:55 Mr. Keshe: 'Now you know how to mutate.' 02:27:58 Knowledgeseeker: 'Just like that?' 02:27:59 Mr. Keshe: 'Just like that....... '

Ask and it will be given: Some minutes later (02:35:45) Mr. Keshe elaborated on oxygen in general and in the human brain.

This is the beauty when we share our knowledge. Let's discuss, i.e. You might like 'guided meditation' and asking yourself: 'Is there a technique to combine a powerful breathing exercise with a guide meditation?'

How to practice with the GaNS-boxes

You started creating your GaNSes. 159.009000 K: When you look at the gans in your containers think how much of my emotion does this GaNS understand?

161.004657 K: 'Try to stay open minded. The fear of the unknown has restricted man to the physicality of the body and all the conditions we have seen'. It's all about 'Making known the Unknown' because 'Truth will set us free'. 'Expansion of joy is the purpose of creation'. We can't imagine how much knowledge is 'out there'. Let's grow wings and travel in space! 154.003800 Is man mature enough to look inwards and see his own soul and understand the operation of his soul? This is my job; I actually after years of teaching have just started to complete the reality of the mission—to teach man about his own soul, about the operation of his soul where he enters a new dimension in the universe...'

14 ways to start communicating with beings of deep space

1. Consider that container as one of your brothers in deep space!

161.002556 K: A few weeks ago we explained about emotion (→ link): See which layer will move, when you feel it, when your emotion interacts with the fields of the plasma of the material. Now consider if you have these different boxes in front of you and you see your joy translates to slower or faster motion of one of the containers of a given gans, now consider that container as one of your brothers in deep space. He feels your emotion of happiness. This is not as you are working with a box; this is a practice to see how your emotion is transferred in the dimension of the gans to another entity.

2. Move the GaNSes by controlling your emotion

K: Start playing with the mixtures so you understand how you can control your emotion (with open eyes) in respect to the environment you have created and how you can use this knowledge to move the ganses. (link to mixing different GaNSes)

2.3. Close your eyes and try to move the GaNSes. Record it with your camera and check

161.002757 K: Take a camera and close your eyes. Use the communication of your emotions to see and see what you see afterwards. It is the same as what you see in the camera in your recordings. Put the box of gans in front of you when it is in motion, and try through the emotion without the eyes to develop your senses of beyond the boundaries of physicality but through the fields.

4. Check the movements of GaNSes

161.005410 K: Make yourself ganses at the level of the emotion of the vegetation and make the ganses that are at the level of the emotion of the solid as they are still the same as the stone. Try to see without the eyes and see how your interaction will bring reactions from them. Do they move further away from you? Would the gans take a dip and move away because it wants nothing to give but needs to be further away to be in balance. See if when you give with joy the whole gans moves to one side towards you and wants to be closer because you give what I need. These are the schools of the training of the man for deep space.

5. The 'Alex's Orange-experience' (use also different fruits and veggies)

K: Try to taste the CO2 gans and then try to put the CO2 gans without touching it, feel the energy that it gives and taste the pleasure of what you did. Try to do what was done before where you put the orange, the amino acid, the CO2, the CH3 and the CuO around it with the ZnO and you drank it and it tasted like an orange. My God, your body is the water and contains the water and contains the ZnO, and the amino acid. If you have matured enough when you look at the orange you feel the taste of it. You take the energy it is prepared to give without your touching it.

6. Create gold 'out of the blue'

K: Make your emotion to see that in the hand if you wish to see gold you will have gold in the palm of the hand. See how much love you can give and see if the love is reciprocated.

7. Bring the boxes together and see how they interact.

161.011058 K: Bring the boxes together, then separate them and feel, give them the emotion and see how they interact. Then close your eyes and make a recording of what you want and what you see, and then make a further test in wanting to touch to reach without reaching, you touch and you feel.

8. The taste of the food, the energy of desire and the physicality of the touch without the touch.

161.011310 K: Practice and try the way you are happy and record it so you can start teaching yourself the control of the emotion, the taste of the food, the energy of desire and the physicality of the touch without the touch.

9. Send information by your fingers

161.011330 K: Put your hand out and count and send the information to your finger but don’t move it. Do it the second time and don’t move it. Just relearn how the information has to go. The third time do it and send the information and move it. This was practice for you to see how you could send the energy of touch and movement and feeling without the physicality.

10. Building up the emotions by changing the environment (plates) and salinity

161.011432 K: If you remember a short time ago we sent some 6-sided gans boxes and they had plates you could put inside or outside. Do the same. Instead of having copper nano coated and the zinc non-nano coated get a big square box. Put one plate in front of the other and change the salinity in one part and put some salt in another part. You have the salt of magnesium, the salt of potassium and the other salt. (→ link) And gradually allow yourself to build up the emotion of the condition. Because now you had a copper plate, you had a zinc plate but this time you have a nano coated zinc and a copper plate that was not nano coated. You have iron that is nano coated and iron, which is not nano coated.

11. Building up the emotions by changing the plates

161.011610 K: Start practicing step by step and you will find the key to the universal community. Try to connect a nano coated copper plate into the iron non copper plate and the iron copper plate with a direct line that is nano coated and see what happens. Connect the magnesium to the amino acid part and see if you change the color to green using the iron as the source of creation of the hemoglobin. (→ links)

12. Check your strength in you attract

161.013650 K: You have to make a new box with the emotion level of the man with the zinc and copper. Play with it and in the other one there is iodine and something else. And then you play only with the physicality of the man where its nothing but the matter state of this planet’s ganses. And then you see how you attract. Start playing the piano

13. Use that box of love trying to come to the physicality: Do you feel something like a kiss or a cuddle?

161.021400 K: Why don’t we bypass the physicality and go directly to the brain? I know this sits in this part of my emotion and I want my emotion to be happy. That happy part is that box because when I feel happy and when I remember the joy of someone I love that box with ZnO and Ca moves; so that is the ‘box of love.’ And then see if you put that box of love trying to come to the physicality does it come out like a kiss or a cuddle? Then you find out which way is how you want to feel the physical emotion or do you want to feel the direct energy transfer? You have got a lot to learn.

14. Fine tune and sit in the middle of them

Be excited!

You only work with your GaNSes as pherical beings when you love your GaNSes. Give them love and you start understanding their reality!

161.013749 K: Start making as many boxes and sit in the middle of them. See and record what emotion and what time created what. Then try to fine tune and fine tune some more so that you end up with one box and in that box you become the true light of yourself. Then you are ready to become passengers of the universe.

Spiritual KS are always dreaming to communicate with extraterrestrials: Maybe some day they come to me and talk to me like I watch at You-tube...... KS understand that the lines of communication is beyond words. They like you to learn their language which is universal! (→ link to Part 1 language of the UC) Be inspired looking forward to step into that 'line of communication'. It's the tool to understand and to exchange with the universal community. They want us to see as equal!

161?.003814 K: This is the path for the universal unification of the man with the rest of the universe and with the souls that are constructed out of the environment of this planet. The preparation of man to go into space without the shackles of the physicality will be very harsh. Not many will cross the line because of the fear of trusting their own soul is much harder than trusting the physicality of this planet as it can ‘finish’ with an accident, an earthquake or whatever else. We leave the destiny of the separation of the physicality with the soul in the hands of the events instead of our being in charge of it so the events become irrelevant, at least on this planet.' 154. 011947 K: when man goes into deep space you will learn something and that is that the size of the soul and the emotional part of the creatures shows the level of the intelligence and the understanding of the operation of the universe.'

So far 163.023010 K: it's not you. It's your ancestors who took the time of travel. So 161.013200 K: Try to work with the dimension of no matter states but the fields and then you break through.

When you are older than 30 or 40 years old your system might not keep up being in deep space for centuries or ages but anyways there are Extraterrestrials in front of your doorsteps watching you to wake up. Let them in! When you go half the way they'll do it too! Just sit down and practice and whenever a voice is telling you that it's time to stop you will know your addictions to physicality, to your home planet. Better continue leaving all 'inner argues' behind and connect to your soul!

Find the trick how to smart out your inner voices! And know the truth: You can do it!
